For most of people, both men and women, appearance is quite important. As the trend of skinny body is completely over and replaced by the trend of bigger and attractive curves, many people rush to gyms and join exercise programs attempting to get bigger butt to look curvaceous.
In most of the cases, people get problems with their shapes because of too much weight on their hips, making their bottoms look wider and not firm; while the others are too skinny to get a curvy buttock.
If you are worrying because you don’t know how to get a bigger without spending time or money on gyms or exercise programs, do not worry. There are so many other ways you can help yourself tone up the buttock and look fabulous. In this article, we will not mention butt implants since the method possibly cause a lot of trouble if they are not done properly. So how to get a bigger buttock fast?
The answer is effective workouts without complicated equipment for butt that you can simply perform at home or wherever and whenever you find it convenient.
Here are top 10 Tips but effective exercises to make your buttocks bigger that you should follow strictly if you want to get a bigger but.
1. Running
Another simple exercise you should follow to get a big butt is running, which has been well known for its benefits of heart and weight loss. This is due to the fact that running quires heavy use of your legs, thighs and hips, which in turn tone up your butt effectively.
To get a bigger buttock fast, try to uphill running instead of running on a flat area.
2. Swimming
Swimming is a great sport, helping you get a perfect shape by strengthening the muscles on many parts of your body like arms, thighs, legs and butts, etc. Para obtener un buttock más ancho rápidamente, aconsejo probar técnicas de golpes que enfocan en el abdomen inferior, tales como kicks or butterfly kicks. Make sure you keep your butt muscles tight while swimming. It is highly recommended to have at least 30 minutes of swimming daily.
3. Squat
The first exercise on the list of how to get a bigger butt is squat. This can be considered as the easiest but most effective workout to get rid of fat from your butt and tone up the muscles. Since squat requires no equipment to do, you can perform it wherever you want like in the kitchen, office, etc.
- Stand upright with your feet placed your shoulder width separated. Stretch your arm in front of you and parallel to the floor. This is your starting position.
- Slightly bend your knees and hips, moving your butt backward until it is lower than your knees. Remember to keep your upper body straight, all the body tight and breath in, breath out as normal.
- Slowly come back to the starting position.
- Repeat the movements 20 times then relax for 15 seconds. Start over again.
To increase the difficulty level of the exercise, you can add weights by holding any items that are around 1 kilo.
4. Jump Squats
Jump squats are the advanced exercise of squats, which help you to get a bigger buttock fast by burning fat and increasing strength.
- Start with the starting position of squats then slowly bend your knees into the safe-squat position, where your knees do not pass your toes.
- Jump straight up so that your body is totally in the air then land into the safe-squat position.
- Keep doing this continuously for 30 seconds then relax.
5. Standing Lunges
Another exercise to make your buttock bigger is standing lunges, which helps to tone up the muscles of not only your butt but also your thighs. Besides, the exercise also contributes to your ability to keep balance.
- Stand upright with your leg separated and your feet facing forward. Put your hands on your hips.
- Move your right leg forward with a large step then slowly bend your knees until both legs come nearly to right angles. Remember not to let the left knee touch the ground.
- Hold it for a few seconds then come back to starting position.
- Switch to your left leg after repeating 10 times with the right legs.
6. Bridge
This exercise to make your buttock bigger aims at burning your fat and tone up the muscles of your butt. Furthermore, your lower back is also trained with this exercise.
- Lie down on the floor and keep your hands by your sides, both knees bent and hip-width apart.
- After placing your feet firmly on the floor, move your hips off the floor until your body straight from shoulder to knee and hold it at the top for a few seconds.
- Remember to keep your back straight and breathe out during the step.
- Slowly come back to the starting position.
- Repeat the exercise 10 times.
7. Single Leg Bridges
To increase the level of bridge exercise, you can do single leg bridges, which can help you get a bigger butt faster.
- Start with the starting position of bridge.
- Slowly raise your hips off the floor and one leg up in the air while the other kept firmly on the ground, until your body straight from shoulder to knee.
- Remember to keep your back always straight and hold the position at least 1 second.
- Slowly return to the starting position. Repeat this for 10 times per leg.
8. Lying Side Leg Lifts
This is one of the most popular exercises for people who want to burn fat fast and tone the muscles on the lower body, including hips, butt and thighs and even the abdominal area. Into the bargain, this exercise also aims at strengthening your back, preventing back problems like pain, injuries, etc.
- Lie down on your side so that your body straight from shoulder to feet. Put your lower arm under your head.
- Lift your upper leg diagonally until you feel the impact on the outer waist. Remember to keep both legs as well as your back straight. Come back to the starting position.
- Repeat this 20 times then switch to the other side.
9. Heel Raises
For how to get a big butt, you cannot skip the heel raises exercises, which are designed to tone the muscles of your buttock.
- Get down on the floor with your hands and knees. Make sure your palms directly below your shoulders and your knees directly below your hips.
- Raise one leg straight up to the air, keeping the knee at right angle. At the top of the movement, hold it for a few seconds before coming back to the starting position. Remember to breath out during the step.
- Do this 20 times before switching to the other leg
- For better effect, you can keep the leg straight while raising it to the ceiling.
10. Chair Pose
Being a popular yoga pose, chair pose is another effective exercise to make your buttock bigger. Additionally, the exercise also strengthens the muscles of the back as well as the inner and outer thighs.
- Stand upright with your leg separated.
- Breathe in and raise your hand straight to the ceiling.
- Breathe out and bend knees, letting your body fold forward with your hips at 45 degree angle. This simulates the position you sitting on a chair.
- Keep your back straight and hold it for 30 seconds.
- Slowly come back to the starting position and relax.
- Repeat this 10-15 times.