Yoga for Sleep – Most Relaxing Yoga Poses

Yoga for Sleep

The most relaxing yoga poses can help you calm down after a hectic day and improve the quality of your sleep. Look at the best ways to use yoga for sleep to take your beauty sleep to a whole new level.

With the help of these beginner-friendly poses, you’ll see an improvement at bedtime. Whether you need to slow down before bed or fight insomnia, you can get to sleep much faster after using a few of the most relaxing yoga poses.

Balasana (Child’s Pose)

Balasana (Child’s Pose)

If you’re looking for a yoga pose that’s relaxing to both the mind and the body and easy to try, you can’t go wrong with a child’s pose. Kneel on the floor with your big toes touching each other. As you exhale, lower your torso over your knees with your forehead resting on the floor. You can execute this yoga for sleep pose with your arms by your sides or extend them on the floor.

Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)


The seated forward bend is one of the most relaxing yoga poses, which will help you stretch and relax before bedtime. Start in a seated position with your legs extended. They should be parallel to one another and no further apart than hip-distance. Inhale while you raise your arms, and then exhale as you lower your torso and extend your spine forward. With your hands on your toes or floor, hope the pose for ten breaths.

Janu Sirsasana (Head to Knee Pose)

Janu Sirsasana

Another great pose in any yoga for sleep routine, the head-to-knee pose, starts with you sitting on the floor with your spine perfectly straight. Start bending your knees, and inhale as you bring the sole of your left foot on the inner right thigh, with your left knee lowered toward the floor. Exhale as you bend over your right leg with your arms stretched out on either side. You can also use a cushion or a folded blanket to make this pose more comfortable before bedtime.

Viparita Karani (Legs Up the Wall Pose)

Viparita Karani

Many of the most relaxing yoga poses are very simple. The legs-up-the-wall pose is straightforward: back on the floor, legs raised at a 90-degree angle. Stay in this pose for up to 5 minutes, with your arms extended along your sides and your palms facing up. You can also use a small eye pillow to block light as you get into a calming mood for bed.

Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose)

Baddha Konasana

Another great pose in any yoga for sleep guides is the bound angle pose, which will get you in the right mindset for a restful night’s sleep. Start by sitting on the floor while keeping your back straight, and bring your feet together with your soles touching. You can also use your hands to hold your ankles. If you’re comfortable and not slouching, bring your feet as close as possible to your groin. Use a cushion or a blanket to get comfortable. Feel your spine lengthening as you inhale and relax your muscles without bending forward as you exhale.

Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclined Bound Angle Pose)

Supta Baddha Konasana

One of the most relaxing yoga poses, the reclined bound angle pose, is also known as the reclined butterfly. Lay down on the floor and bring the soles of your feet together, with your knees extended outward so your legs form a diamond shape. To make it more comfortable, use cushions under each knee and rest your hands over your sternum and abdomen in this position.

Supta Matsyendrasana (Supine Spinal Twist Pose)

Supta Matsyendrasana

Yoga for sleep is the ideal way to relax your mind and body before bedtime, and this pose is one that you can even perform in bed. Lying down on your back, bring your knees to your chest while extending your right arm at shoulder level with the palm facing up. Twist your body so your left knee rests on your mattress and your right knee on top of it. Use a cushion under your knees if you choose to do this pose on the floor.

Savasana (Corpse Pose)


One of the most relaxing yoga poses, the corpse pose, has you lying on your back with your legs extended and apart and your arms by your sides, palms up. Use this pose to leave all stress behind or fall asleep if you usually sleep on your back.


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