How to Drain a Cyst With No Head?

Though a cyst isn’t cancerous, it still causes a lot of discomfort to your body, especially when it has no visible head. So how to drain a cyst with no head?

How to Drain a Cyst With No Head

Cysts are the bumps filled with fluid on your skin, and most of them are quite painful whenever being touched. Though they do not harm to your body, they create a lot of discomfort to your body in particular and your everyday life in general. So gaining more insights into how to drain a cyst with no head is a must do at least this time.In this article, we’re about to discuss further cyst and other intricacies that might harvest on your skin.

How to drain a cyst with no head?

After waking up, you suddenly notice a little bump that grows on the face, which might or might not has a hair inside. For those who are still new to this cyst. What if the cyst has no head? Then how to deal with it?

When it comes to getting rid of the cyst, then you’ve come to the right place! There are many ways that can be done but keep in mind that draining the cyst in the wrong way can do more hard than good. Worse than that, it’ll cause a more serious infection. But using the right techniques, this drainage won’t be a big challenge at all and more likely to succeed at last.

So how to drain a cyst with no head? Since the cysts tend to be deeper under your skin, which causes them to hurt a lot. This pain is completely not like the other sebaceous cysts we’ve always come across. Thus, getting rid of them is even more challenging than you thought! Please do not touch that cyst as well as avoid squeezing it, and try to bring your cyst to a head at first!

Let’s use a few of the natural home remedies instead. Here you go, the most common methods you can rely on as it comes to how to drain a cyst with no head. Feel free to try them at home if you want.

Best home remedies for draining a cyst with no head

Baking soda

Baking soda is good at removing inflammation thanks to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory characteristics. It can help diminish all dead skin cells and excess oil from the deepest skin pores. Here’s the step-by-step tutorial you should follow for the best result.


  • Avail a mild soap and lukewarm water to clean up your face so that your skin pores can get open.
  • Mix a half one teaspoon of baking soda with three or four drops of cold water. In this case, it’s best to apply the thick paste directly on the cyst.
  • Enable the paste to stay on the skin for 30 minutes at least before washing it off with warm water.
  • Do it repeatedly about three times per day.
  • Dry out your affected skin region by patting and using a high-quality moisturizer after that.
  • Mix pressed cucumber juice to the baking soda paste when your skin tends to be sensitive if you want to reduce the sting and raise the soothing effects.

If you still feel highly uncomfortable, let’s bring down the swelling a little bit!

How to reduce the swelling of the cyst?

When you have the ingrown hairs, which will curl around and grow back into your skin. These are not just itchy but also embarrassing. They can cause the red spots or painful swelling on the skin and leave you a lot of discomfort in your daily life.

Well, they only exist for a certain period, and then they usually go away on their own without doing anything. Let’s gain more useful information through our how-to guide for reducing the sore associated with the cyst.

The whole process involves your use of Epsom salt (also known as the magnesium sulfate). This is a pure mineral compound that can be used for many purposes, from soothing achy muscles to improving gardens.

Also, its sulfate content is known to be capable of flushing out the toxins quite effectively. It’s seen as the main reason causing the cyst on your skin [2]. Let’s create a mixture of baking soda, Epsom salt, and lukewarm water. Stir it to the paste before applying it on this underground zit. Next, just leave it dry as a whole, and then you can decide to wash the face with lukewarm water.

Try to pat it dry and repeat the whole process once more. Do it on a regular basis for the most optimal result. Now you know how to drain a cyst with no head without surgery, but remember to add extra clove oil – if you want to ease the dryness and decrease the severity of this zit on the skin.


For people who still wonder how to drain a cyst with no head, let’s consider using turmeric. Containing anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, turmeric is said to be the best method of dehydrating and draining out the cystic acne and decrease the inflammation.

  • Prepare a mixture of turmeric powder, sesame oil, or water to make a paste.
  • Apply it directly to the affected region of your skin.
  • Leave it to dry out completely.
  • Wash off with the water and then pat to dry
  • Repeat the process regularly

But if you don’t have sesame oil but only coconut oil, then how to drain a cyst with no head? Here’s how to do it right:

  • Prepare a particular paste of coconut oil, turmeric powder, and water.
  • Rinse off your face gently before patting it dry.
  • Apply the paste to the affected skin and leave it to dry.
  • Wash off with cold water.
  • Repeat the entire process regularly.

Apple Cider Vinegar

It’s common to use apple cider vinegar to cure pimples, and we can also use it to treat cyst. If you feel the pain with acne cysts, while with a pimple, you won’t feel that painful at all. Besides, a pimple can go away by itself or after you use a spot treatment.

So why shall we recommend the apple cider vinegar for how to drain a cyst with no head? The first reason for this is because it owns acetic acid which is popular for diminishing the bacteria causing the skin infection. This could result in the buildup of your cystic acne. Let’s apply a few drops of your apple cider vinegar straightforwardly on the cyst.

Next, don’t forget to cover it with a clean bandage before removing it gently. Do not do this too harshly since it easily drains out the content of your cyst.

Lavender oil

Like which has the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial features, lavender oil is another great way you can trust. It can fight your irritation and inflammation. It does that by taking the head out of your cystic acne as well as boost your faster recovery process. Here’s how to do it right:

  • Apply the oil on the affected skin region with the use of a cotton ball.
  • Repeat the whole process regularly.

Another great way you can try here is to steam the face with the oil:

  • Add lavender oil to a bowl of hot water
  • Stem your affected region by covering yourself with a towel.
  • Wash your face and repeat the above step regularly

Aloe Vera

With the use of aloe vera, you can increase collagen in the skin. then worry no more since aloe vera can help you do that. By reducing the scar and help your wounds recover faster, aloe vera is also one of the best way for how to drain a cyst with no head.

Apply the aloe vera gel to your cyst, and then you can massage the affected skin. Let the gel dry out on your skin. Here’s the step-by-step tutorial you might need:

  • Use a gel of aloe vera from its raw leaves.
  • Apply the aloe vera gel on the infected skin and then massage the skin circularly.
  • Repeat the process for the best result.

Facial mask

A facial mask serves a crucial role in keeping the pH of your skin. You can use the lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to increase the healing and lighten the skin tone. For redness reduction, use turmeric powder and mix it with your facial mask. Here’s how to drain a cyst with no head:

  • Mix the amount of apple cider vinegar and juice with some turmeric powder.
  • Apply the paste to the cyst.
  • Leave it to dry out and rinse off.
  • Repeat the whole process for the optimized result.

Ice cubes

Ice compresses are another effective solution for how to drain a cyst with no head. As you know, ice can also help slow down the growth of herpes.

Using ice cubes will remove the soreness and redness of the skin area having the cyst. Feel free to use them wrapped in a soft cloth, or an ice pack for the application. Apply to your cyst and then leave it on the cyst for 10 minutes many times a day. Remember that you must often own a washcloth between the ice and your skin since this would help prevent any greater damage.

Warm compress

If your cyst has no head, the warm compress is certainly one of the most effective ways to drain the annoying cyst. Now learn how to do it right:

  • To perform a warm compress, prepare a cotton ball and dip it in hot water.
  • Remove the excess water by squeezing that cotton ball.
  • Press that cotton ball on your affected skin within a few minutes.
  • You’re recommended to repeat the process until the cyst head shows up. This means that you can drain the cyst with ease. For further home remedies you can treat it at home.

Please prepare these items below before starting it out:

  • A disposable drape
  • Three hemostats with small tips
  • Sterile gloves
  • Two sterile bandages
  • Blade No. 11
  • Iris scissors
  • 4 x 4-inch sterile gauze
  • Adson forceps

Once trying out the above home remedies, you almost bring your cyst to a head, where the pus inside the cyst will come much closer to the surface of your skin. At this time, use the right techniques below, you have a higher chance to bring that cyst to a head. Doing so can speed up the whole removal process.

How to lance a cyst and drain the pus

Step 1: You should cleanse the skin right on where the cyst has been created. Any tissue beneath and on the sides of your cyst need to get anesthetized with 2% of lidocaine and epinephrine.

Step 2: In this step, you’re told more about how to drain a cyst with no head. With the wound lying under the fenestration, you might like to have the fenestrated drape put on the skin. The entire incision is built in the middle of the cyst, and to do this, use the Blade No. 11.

Step 3: The provider places a hemostat with a small tip into the cyst. Let the tips open a little bit and ensure the compression to be applied so that the cyst content can get open.

Step 4: Make sure to remove the hemostat. To shield yourself from splattering, you can use a shield or a gauze. For making the passage of cyst material easier, you can re-insert the hemostat.

Step 5: Once the hemostat is inserted back into the cyst cavity. The capsule situated at the injury’s base gets lifted and grasped. Make sure to get the sac through the opening. If the sac suddenly breaks, then some pieces of the cyst material will be left there. Thus, make sure that they’re all removed.

Step 6: It’s compulsory to begin an inspection of the injury right after the procedure gets completed. This guarantees that all the cyst walls are diminished. But if there’s nothing for sure yet that the walls of your cyst have been removed, then these pieces can be gathered together for greater assurance.

Step 7: How to drain a cyst with no head the safest? Use the gauze and apply the straightforward pressure. We advise you to use the antibiotic ointment by the time you decide the tape the site with gauze.

Step 8: You’re recommended to keep applying pressure on the infected site for two hours. Ensure to use gauze after finishing up the whole procedure. You must note that, whether that incision is small or not, do not try to suture the closure.

If you fail to drain the cystic content, it can grow back, so once you’ve decided to do this procedure by yourself, ensure to squeeze all things out completely.

What if your cyst pops on its own?

So you’ve already known how to drain a cyst with no head, right? Let’s find out how to do it once your cyst pops on its own. You probably notice some major changes, such as the greenish pus or the release of any smell or mild fever.

In this case, even when your cyst drains on its own, you need to see the doctor as soon as possible.

That ruptured cyst is a sign of an infection. Thus, you’re advised to cover it with one bandage. Later, make a plan for a medical care or a proper cure. But if it’s hard to access to medical care at that time, you can get rid of the bandage and then wash your hands carefully. After that, let’s squeeze a side of your cust to remove all of its content. The pus here might have some blood.

Next, go to wash the infected skin area with clean water before applying your antiseptic cream. Just shield your wound with a bandage. Please note that you shouldn’t use any harsh liquid or soap on the skin because it’s more likely to result in the buildup of scar in the future.


If you have to suffer from the nasty cysts, then you surely want to remove it as soon as possible. For those who want to know how to drain a cyst with no head, we hope that you might find some useful information in this article today. Though cutting or draining it by yourself is not highly recommended, but if you have no choice, then be prepared in advance.


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