Home Remedies to Cure Nasal Polyps Quickly

Home Remedies to Cure Nasal Polyps Quickly

Nasal polyps are characterized by falling drops or grape-shape appear on the internal surface of the nasal. They may or may not accompany signs and symptoms like pain, snoring sound, or even make you feel uncomfortable and unbearable.

The small size of the nasal polyp can have no symptoms, while the large one can block breathing, leading to respiratory problems and the inability to smell. They are abnormal growths of basal cells related to any inflammation of the nasal cavity, allergies, weak  immune system, and do not lead to cancerous.

Nasal polyps’ first signs and symptoms are soft teardrops; no sensation combines with the inflamed nasal cavity( also known as chronic inflammation of the sinuses) that prolonged more than three months. Other signs and symptoms include runny nose, stuffy nose, headache, pain in the face or teeth, inability to smell, and snoring.

Consults your doctor if you get the symptoms more than ten days. In addition, here are the top natural remedies to deal with nasal polyps.

1. Saline water

Saline water has great effects on cleaning the nasal passages, removing the dried mucus, enhancing the nasal cilia function, preventing postnasal drip, and decreasing the risk of infection, keeping suitable moisture for the nasal mucus.

Therefore, daily rinse with a saline water solution helps prevent nasal polyps’ appearance. It’s easy to make your saline solution by mixing 0.5 teaspoons ( equal to 2.5 g) of salt, 0.5 teaspoons of Baking soda with a glass of warm water( about 250 ml). Then you can store it on the squeeze bottle or a syringe and clean your nostrils.

2. Fresh onion

Onion is well known as the most effective traditional medicine in many countries. It helps decrease pulmonary congestion and destroy harmful microorganisms, so it works well in treating nasal polyps.

Cut some fresh onion bulbs into small pieces, then put them into a pot of water, heat it for 7-10 minutes, and try to sniff the steam. After that, strain the mixture and consume it several times daily. Do this remedy 2- 3 times per day in 2- 3 weeks.

3. Fresh garlic

The antifungal and antibacterial effects make it one of the most natural antibiotics to deal with nasal polyps.

You can use garlic in the same way as fresh onion, inhale the steam and later consume the mixture.

In addition, take some bulbs of fresh garlic, consume them directly to get better results. Eat it 2- 3 times daily in a few weeks.

4. Bath with hot water

The steam of hot water has great effects on nasal polyps, preventing the problem and reducing the signs and symptoms. Likewise, you can take a hot compress to get rid of it.

5. Tea tree essential

Tea tree essential helps kill bacteria and fungi, which are the agents causing sinusitis and enhance our immune systems. Therefore, it can clear the nostrils by removing the dried mucus and decreasing swelling.

Drop some of the tea tree essential over your nasal passage and left it there for a few minutes. Repeat this process several times every day whenever you feel discomfort.

6. Ginger mixture

Another natural remedy with antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory effects is fresh ginger. In addition, ginger is useful in treating nasal polyps, relieving pain, and boosting your immune system.

You can cut fresh ginger into small slices and boil them in a pot of water for at least 10 minutes. Then, strain the water and add some lemon juice with sugar or honey; drink the solution 2- 3 times daily in 2 weeks, or until you notice the change.

7. Consume apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is well known for several purposes like in the household, kitchen, and even traditional medicine. It is made from crushed apple with anti-inflammation, anti- microorganisms benefits, so it works well on relieve signs of sore throat, stuffy nose… especially people who get allergy or flu.

This remedy is easy to use. You add two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar into a glass of warm water. Besides, you can mix it with two teaspoons of honey then consume it twice daily.

8. Horseradish

Horseradish contains a large amount of sulfur that helps to kill microorganisms and cure infections. If you are seeking nasal polyps natural treatment, you shouldn’t ignore them. Cause of its strong odor, you should inhale it for a few minutes and then consume it another way; you can mix it with honey for more flavor before you eat. Take this process two times daily in 2 weeks to get better results.

9. Turmeric powder

Turmeric with a considerable amount of curcumin is a painkiller traditional medicine and relieves swelling and chronic sinus inflammation. It also has an antibiotic effect and is one of the most effective treatments for nasal polyps.

Mix the turmeric powder with some warm water, then you this solution to gargle your mouth daily.

In addition, mix the powder with a glass of warm milk and consume the mixture every day.


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