Best Way of How to Tan Faster Without Burning

Everyone can try on getting tan. But they may not know the method of how to tan faster and protect their skin safe. This article includes some awesome experiences that help you to achieve perfect tan.

How to Tan Faster Without Burning

Nowadays, both Western and American people prefer to achieve sporty beauty with brown skin that looks so attractive and sexy. Thus, tanning is considered to be one of the top trends for who love to get healthy style. Just imagine, a tanned body wearing bikini is always hot and perfect.

We have to take a certain period of time to achieve beautiful tanned body. However, it is so wonderful if we can spend shorter time and still get the same result. All girls are searching for the method of how to tan faster on the internet, magazine and even at skin care salon. Now, all you need to do is take a quick look at details below, which will provide some nice knowledge of tanning effectively.

The best ways to get tan, both outdoor and indoor

Best Way of How to Tan Faster Without Burning

We usually wonder how to get tan and do it with original methods, like tanning on beach or swimming pool. But this method only works well in hot summer. So what should we do to get tan in all seasons? There are some ways to get tan that applied by many people, such as natural tanning under the sun, use tanning bed, tanning at home, apply self – tanning lotion and even drink tanning pills.

Each method has its particular strength and weakness. To achieve result as good as you want, you should learn about these tanning method thoughtly, then apply them for your ideal purpose. Let take a look at these information here.

How to get tan faster?

Get tan in the sun naturally

Getting natural tan in the sun is one of the most common ways, which is prefered by many people. Because it is very easy way that not only get beautiful tan but also give us relaxation as well.

Although you want to get perfect tan as soon as possible, you need to remember that you can’t get tan well in such a few days. So how to tan faster ? Just review some helpful sun tanning tips below and do it step by step.

Step 1: Apply sunscreen with low SPF

Firstly, it is very necessary to apply sunscreen with low SPF on whole skin, especially the items with SPF from 12 to 15. Because while you get tan on the beach, your skin will face with direct sun rays and get burned without protection.
Sunscreen with low SPF will defend UV rays and still allow sunlight go through your skin for tanning process.

Step 2: Use oil or tanning lotion

How to get tan naturally? You have to apply a thin layer of lotion or oil with low SPF on the whole body. It not only protects your skin from injuring by hot sun ray but also get tan effectively. There are variety of product, such as natural tanning oil, DIY tanning lotion oil rubs or spray, as long as they contain suitable SPF for you.

The common tanning oil has SPF level from 4 to 15. It depends on your tanning base to select the best product for yourself. In particularly, if this is the first time you get tan, especially summer tanning, you should choose lotion that has high SPF to make sure your sensitive skin will not be burning.

Spray and oil are preferred by almost people because of their convenience. It is very easy to apply these two items all over your skin. And don’t forget to rub the oil smoothly and take a bath with soap to wash out the oil on your skin after tanning.

Step 3: Choose perfect spot

Wherever you are lying, on the beach or swimming pool. You should choose good spot to get tan with direct sunlight that contribute to push up tanning process. Pick a large blanket with you, lying to receive as much sunlight as possible. Don’t forget to turn your body upside down once 30 minutes to achieve even tan for the whole skin area.

A small tip for you, just choose an area that near wide reflection, like sand and water. Additionally, wear sunglasses to protect your eyes during tanning period outdoor

Step 4: Cool your skin after tanning

You need to help your sensitive skin recover by soothing it after tanning, because it will be hot, a little bit red. Let cool the tanned body with some ways, such as relax under shade, take a shower bathing or moisture your skin gently.

If you don’t know which one is the best tanning product, there are some recommendations for you:

  • Oil made from natural ingredients: avocado, green tea, hazelnut, olive and even sunflower seed. You can produce DIY tanning lotion at home with very simple recipe but quite good benefits as well.
  • The other option is picking qualified lotion at any drug store or super market. There are many good ones that make your skin looks smooth and glow, such as Cheeky Brown, Coconut Kisses, Solid Black and Amir

The best moisture for tanned skin that help maintain your tan and make skin looks so healthy

  • Piz Buin aftersun tan intensifying moisturising lotion
  • Garnier Summer Body lotion deep sun kiss
  • Guiniot Grand Soin Apres Soleil after sun intense recovery lotion
  • Lancaster tan maximizer after sun Sublimating oil for face and body

Please remember that your lips don’t need to tan, so cover them with lip balm or special moisture to make sure that they won’t be dry and even burning.

Get a tan at home

Step 1: Pick up the right tanning lotion for yourself

There are variety of tanning lotion at skin care store, but only a few of them are suitable for your ideal tanning. It is very important to select the right tanning items, because it will affect the final result.

Don’t try to push your tanning process. You should set specific goal and let it happen gradually. Choose a perfect lotion that is slightly darker than your skin tone.

Know your tanning well before picking any items. For example, as your skin is too pale and dry, you should choose one that includes moisture and average SPF (from 12 to 15).

Step 2: Exfoliate your skin

It is easier to apply tanning product on smooth skin, so you need to exfoliate your skin.

Use a brush to remove all dead cells on skin surface. Remember to exfoliate your skin when it is dry.

These areas like elbow, knees and finger should be exfoliated carefully, because they may get darker than other parts of your body.

Step 3: Moisture to keep your skin fresh during tan

Your skin need to be in balance condition during tanning process. Applying moisture to prevent skin from dry, and wait some minutes to make sure that moisturizer is absorbed enough before tanning.

Step 4: Wear tanning glove

Please put on a pair of plastic gloves to protect your hands while applying tanning lotion. You can see your gloves turn into brown or orange after some coats of tanning lotion.

Step 5: Apply tanning lotion evenly

As you don’t want to spend time tanning on the beach, you can also get tan indoor perfectly. The best way to get a tan at home is applying sunless tanning lotion or spraying.

You wish your skin looks darker but don’t have enough time to get sun tanning. So how to get a good tan without going outside? Very easy, you can get tan with such a self – tanning lotion.

Go to skin care and choose products that have good qualified and high rating. You should get the option that suits your needs, it can be cream, gel, lotion and even spray.

The greatest challenge of all most people who use self – tanning lotion is “how to get an even tan”. To make sure that tanning lotion is applied evenly on the whole skin, you need to apply it on each part of your body: neck, arm, back and leg. Then rub the lotion slowly until it becomes smoothly.

Ask friend help to apply gel at your back and the other areas where you can’t reach on the whole body. You have to take time to rub the tanning gel evenly to achieve perfect result. It is too ugly if your skin tan is uneven, isn’t it?

Step 6: Wait in some hours

It will definitely take some hours for tanning solution soak into your skin totally. Thus, you should wait in a period of time, then you can take a shower or go out for other activities.

Hit the tanning bed

If you are searching for the details of how to get tanner, one of the best answers is hitting with tanning bed. This innovative way is so different from natural tan, which uses technology of UV light bulb to tan your skin.

This method is considered to be one of usual ways to tan faster by many people who want to achieve even tanned body.

Step 1: Apply your favorite sunscreen

While you get a tanning bed, you need to apply sunscreen to protect you from burning or over tanning. Unlike tanning in sunlight, it is possible to pick up any sunscreen products as long as you love them.

Both sunscreen with normal SPF level, or the ones that contain moisture can be used very well. But you should apply sunscreen evenly for all areas of your body, because your whole skin surface will be tanned at the same time.

Step 2: Take off your clothes before get into tanning bed

Please undress your clothes completely as you get tan with a tanning bed. Remember to protect your eyes by wearing goggles while tanning, if not they may be damaged because of strong UV light.

Step 3: Set up suitable time

It is very important to set up reasonable time for your tanning. Please note if this is the first time you get tan, you should start with about 6 – 8 minutes. For the ones who already have good base tan, the average period of 15 – 20 minutes is perfect.

Additionally, if your skin is quite fair or you don’t have good base, short tanning period is the best option.

Step 4: Spend some more minutes after finishing your tan

The system of tanning bed will shut off automatically when it finishes. As you get out of tanning bed, give a chance for your body balance in some minutes, then take a shower or put on your clothes.

Get tan safe without burning

You get tan fast, but you need to do it safely as well. All most people worry about UV rays will cause skin cancer and damage their skin with sunburn. So How to get tan without burning? These beneficial methods will help you to get tan quickly and safely.

Use sunscreen

While you get tan outdoor, especially summer tanning, you can use sunscreen because it allows sunray to make tan and still prevent your skin from burning by UVA, UVB light.

You should choose sunscreen that is suitable for outdoor activities because you will definitely get wet and sweat, so it must have water resistant as well. Moreover, while you finish applying sunscreen evenly, you need to wait at least 20 minutes before tanning outside.


There are a lot of dead cells stick on skin surface, and it is hard to spread sunscreen evenly on the whole body. So firstly, you should assure that your skin is clear and smooth before applying tanning lotion by exfoliating with a body scrub.
If you are searching for tips of how to get tanner, the best tip is making your skin clear a night before getting tan.


To avoid over tanning or get sun burn, your skin should be moisturized. The best products will provide two benefits: balance moisture level – protect your skin from being dry and contribute to applying self – tanning lotion smoothly.

Choose good tanning time

UV rays can damage your skin painfully while you get outdoor tanning. To get tan safely, you should choose good time to restrict strong UV rays, which cause sunburn and skin cancer.

It also depends on your skin tone and base tan to choose ideal time., You should avoid the peak time between 10 am and 4 pm when the sun ray is hottest and contain high UV level.

The best time to tan outside is from 9 to 10 am or 4 to 5 pm, especially while your skin is too pale or fair, with weak tanning base.

However, if you want to know how to tan faster. You can get such a short period tan at peak time, maximum 20 minutes that keep your skin safe, as long as you apply tanning lotion or sunscreen with medium SPF range (10 – 15) that allow you to get tan without burning or damaging of UV.

Effective ways to get darker tan quickly

How to get a darker tan? When you already have good tanning base, you will definitely hope to get darker tan. You can follow the best way to tan outside right here to get more knowledge of getting tan fast and evenly.

Tanning on the beach

Ahhhhh, don’t you dare to get a darker tan immediately at 12 noon when the sun is hottest? This is such a great experience for those people who already have good tanning base and strong skin condition.

Lying on the beach under awesome hot sun rays, you should change your position up and down after 20 minutes to have even tanning sides.

Your body will get dry after hours tanning surely. Although your skin is quite good with moisture, you need to drink water to keep your skin in balance condition and maintain your tan.

Spend time on outdoor activities

Do anything you like while going out for tanning. There are some interesting outdoor activities for you, such as reading book, surfing and playing volleyball.

Take a break after spending 15 minutes for activities. Your arms, shoulder and back face with more sun rays, so these areas may get tanner than other areas. More than that, you should add a little bit sunscreen because of sweat floating.

Maintain your tan

One of the best way to get a tan outside is maintain your tan after spending time in the sun. Take a shower to cool your body and wash out all excess tanning oil, moisture, sweat.

Drink more water to keep your skin always hydrating. As your skin is still hot, use cucumber to cool it down. Then apply sunscreen continuously, which contribute to develop darker tan as you go to bed.

These elements/ categories that affect your tanning

You can get more knowledge of these categories below that affect your tanning process to catch the ways of how to get tan perfect.

Pick the ideal tanning methods

You can find the product such as sunscreen, self – tanning lotion and moisture at any skin care store. But which one is the best option for you? To achieve the most suitable product, you have to read the review on website, try different units one by one and even make mistakes.

Don’t worry, these recommendations of the best oil for tanning that preferred by many people will help you get tan perfectly.

  • Vita Virgin coconut oil
  • Pura D’orArgan oil
  • Dr. Adorable alovera oil
  •  Kirkland Olive oil
  • Avocado oil

Take care of your skin

Before getting tan, you should exfoliate the skin surface by removing all dead and dry cells. Then apply moisture cream, remember to spread it evenly all the whole body to make a good tan.

Additionally, your skin should be fresh, clear and ready to get a tan. Clean all makeup, dust and perfume in pores deeply before applying any tanning product.

Applying self – tanning lotion in dry environment

Use tanning product when you just take a bath and your body is still wet. It is not good for a perfect tan. The tanning product will melt on your skin, and the final result is an uneven tanned body with some areas are darker than the other.

The best moment for applying tan product is before sleep

You can apply tanning lotion before go to bed. It takes about 8 hours for a common tanning to transform perfectly. All you need to do is applying tanning product from top to bottom, then go sleeping and awake with beautiful tanning.

Small tips and tricks to get tan well

Additional, if you want to know how to tan faster naturally, there are some outdoor tanning tips for you.

  • Use natural tanning reflection. Many people love to tan on the beach, because sand and water will reflect large amount of UV rays and promote your skin tanned very quickly. If you are looking for the ways of how to get tanner, beach or pool tanning is perfect one for you.
  • Get dark tan with coconut oil is also a great idea. This natural cosmetic will make your skin look strong and more attractive too.
  • Make your skin tanned gradually. Don’t push the process or you will get over tanning and serious sunburn. Just do it slowly and regularly to build strong tanning base.
  • Don’t forget to wear sunglasses. While you spend hours on tanning outside, too high UV rays can injure your eyes.
  • Know your type of skin well before getting tan as your skin is fair, pale or dark. You can choose ideal tanning lotion and set perfect time for yourself.
  • Protect your lips and hair carefully because they don’t need tan by simple tools, such as lip balm and hat.
    Maintain your body hydrating by drinking plenty of water and juice. You don’t want to get tired after tanning, right?


The details above are very helpful that help you to get good tan and stay safe during tanning process. You can take a list of your favorite tanning tips, not only how to tan faster but also achieve perfect tan. And remember a solid trick, it depends on skin condition, such as skin type and tanning base to set up perfect tanning schedule for yourself. Good luck and stay healthy!


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