Although stuttering is not a disease, it often brings many inconveniences to both adult and children who are suffering from it. Because of speech problems, they become lonely, snuggle, shame and guilt. Here are a few suggestions on how to stop stuttering.
What is Stuttering?
Stuttering is a language disorder that involves the breakdown of the vocal apparatus. These disorders occur due to excessive stress and laryngospasm, tongue, lips. Normal ratio of speech or respiratory rate results in the inability to quickly start a phrase, long pauses between words or repeat individual sounds or syllables of words.
Our children find it difficult and may withdraw into themselves and become alienated with the outside world. The child will move away from direct contact and conversation. In early stages of this problem, it is easier to deal with, so we should start stuttering treatment as early as we can.
For adults, we always have some certain times when we’re incapable of speaking smoothly, like saying with “uh” or “you know” to whatever we converse. Also, when you tend to assume a sound or a word more than once. And know what? Such disfluencies are quite normal since they take place once in a while.
But once it occurs a lot, then it’s probably stuttering. If so, then do you have any disfluency? Let’s take a look at some below before finding out how to stop stuttering:
- Blocks: It takes place as you’ve got a hard time saying a word out. At times, you will pause for a while or even not be able to make a sound at all. For example, “I love a…red dress.”
- Prolongations: You probably stretch out a sound for a while, such as Chocoooooooolate.
- Repetitions: You might repeat different parts of the words, like Cho-co-late.
As you know, it’s a challenge to learn how to stop stuttering, especially when it quickly changes from day to day. How come? Well, you can have many times you appear fluent but also the times when you stutter more. What’s else? The stress and frustration can be another reason that leads to more stuttering.
Apparently, stuttering is beyond the repetitions in the whole speech. It will make you and the body tenser so that you find struggle to talk at that time. Besides, this problem easily gets in the way of the way you interact with others. In that case, you’re likely to hide your stuttering at any cost.
Therefore, you can avoid some particular words or reject talking in a few situations. For instance, you don’t feel like chatting on the phone in case that causes you to stutter more.
What causes Stuttering?
Stuttering can be caused by physical factors, such as problem of speech, trauma during birth, genetic, neurological diseases, and neurodegenerative disease after experiencing a long disease. The problem begins between 2 and 6 years-old kid. There are a lot of kids who have to go through the regular periods of disfluency, which can last less than 6 months after all. Unluckily, the condition possibly continues longer than this, so you should need the proper treatment.
One part of the brain develops mouthpiece much faster, making children unable to keep up with the flow of their own thoughts and express them in a clear and legible way. This leads to the disruption of the final speeches.
Often stuttering becomes a consequence of psychological difficulties-logo neurosis. Children are extremely impressive and emotional, and even fairy tales painted of black-black room can contribute to tension and fear of mental and emotional excess.
Also, what causes stuttering can come from other elements such as: obesity or overly strict parents.
Before starting stuttering treatment for the child, parents should consider the behavior and state of their own. Children are very sensitive to the practice of adults, so the causes of their children’s problems may lie in their parents. Still confused? Here are the most common reasons you should know to learn how to stop stuttering effectively:
- Family history: Several people who stutter often have one member of the family who also stutters.
- Differences among brain: Those who stutter probably own small differences in the way that your brain functions in your speech.
Also, there are a few other risk elements you should be aware before you decide to find out how to stop stuttering. Take a look at them:
- Family healing patterns: Kids who have family members who paused stuttering can easily stop as well.
- Mood and temperament: For anyone who stutters, then these two elements are the most important ones that can lead you to more stuttering. Note that you could stutter more in case that other people tease you, or bring more attention to the speech. But stuttering probably embarrasses you, or feel more anxious about talking.
- Even some life events might cause stuttering. For instance, a little kid probably begins stuttering as he or she has to learn so many new words at a high speed. The kid is probably able to speak out one or two words fluently. However, she could use much longer sentences.
Top 8 tips on how to stop stuttering
Here are the top 8 most recommended tips on how to stop stuttering that you can consider applying to your kids in order to eliminate this habit and practice
1. Notice on the Way to Talk
When it comes to how to stop stuttering, you need to slow down. The speed of talk should be slow, when it comes to being strong, moderately calm, gentle, natural, try to pronounce slow and gentle. Also, while talking, you should keep the rhythm, and you can divide the speech into simple ones, each meant once. The words have to match with each other. Only pronouncing slowly and rhythmically can make gentle, the continuous language without being interrupted. This is a simple tip on how to stop stuttering.
2. Learn to Read
The stutterer should aim to read once-daily. First, read for your own to listen, and then gradually expand the scope. You can participate in recitation, singing performances in front of friends.
Like the tip above on how to stop stuttering, this can help overcome both language barriers and psychological obstacles. The stutters should dare to express themselves, deliberately speak in public to give mental stress decreases. The mental focus on rhythm and sound makes patients turn the attention to the pronunciation; gradually they will talk more naturally.
Choose any book you love and begin reading it out loud. Though it can be a big challenge at first and probably frustrate a bit. However, over the time, things are going to become clear why it’s one of the best ways on how to stop stuttering. It helps you breathe properly and allow you to learn how to heal yourself from stuttering while speaking.
3. Speak in front of a Mirror
Regularly standing in front of the mirror to talk or talk to our loved ones is a great tip to bring high efficiency in the stuttering treatment. But note that you should practice regular and persevere to wait for the result. Also, you need to incorporate additional training with sports and breathing exercises.
4. Practice Speaking Skill
The stutter should strengthen practicing speaking skill and be patient to do it daily. Every day you should spend from 50 to 60 minutes on reading and talk. This is one of the best tips on how to stop stuttering you must try out.
You should read slowly, word by word clearly and fluently. Initially, you can set alone. Then you can add relatives to feel less ashamed and afraid to speak in front of others. Thanks to friends and relatives, you can overcome this awkward phase. Also, you need to be self-confident when standing in front of the crowd, not low self-esteem, guilt and try to control emotion.
5. Treat by Practicing
Many psychologists specialized in stuttering treatment for adolescents and adults tend to focus on measures to help patients minimize stuttering condition So how to stop stuttering? They mainly talk slow, adjust breathing, practice speaking smoothly from the simple sentences to more complex ones.
Most of these exercises also help stutters reduce anxiety in activities that are likely to trigger stress, such as communicating with people or speaking in public. I’ve known that several singers would like to spend many minutes (or even hours) every day training the voices as well as doing some breathing techniques to help release a great sound.
When it turns out, the same workouts are said to be the most well-known techniques you can use to pause stuttering. And it’s so true that any vocal exercise helps you go through a persistent stutter.
6. Participate in Self-Help Groups
There have been many cases of stutters who overcome their disabilities by participating in the group to heal themself. The self-help groups are often composed of peers or experienced stammering people. They have multiple activities to share information, experiences and useful support and encourage members to overcome stammering your own. No matter what causes stuttering in you, you can get rid of it gradually.
7. Medicines
Although any medication for the treatment of stuttering has not yet been confirmed, there have been cases of stuttering treatment with antiepileptic drugs, antidepressants or anxiety. However, these drugs have side effects and are not recommended for long term use.
8. Speech Therapist
Apart from all of these, it is necessary to seek help from professionals. The speech therapist will select a set of assignments for the individuals. Acupressure will relieve you from stress.
9. Sing a song
Do you love to sing? It’s also a great tip on how to stop stuttering you can rely on. Once doing it for a few times, you might notice that a miracle just happened – you no longer stutter!
But home come, here are some activities you need to do when singing:
- You must utter all sounds in the longer sentences than merely speaking to someone normally.
- Pronounce the words more clearly.
- Avail an evener breathing style
It’s probably not practical at all when you tend to sing via a call or a presentation. And this could be a bit interesting for your listeners, right? However, doing this daily could help you practice your own breathing and help it pronounce each syllable more accurately. This is precisely a worth-to-try tip on how to stop stuttering you must try right away.
10. Reduce stress on your shoulder and neck
Stuttering is occasionally triggered by levels of stress in your body, but mainly tightness in the region surrounding your throat. Let’s take some relaxation exercises to help yourself loosen tensions in the parts of your body. Doing so is a right way for how to stop stuttering and ease your speaking experience.
11. Make use of the tongue
How to stop stuttering by using your tongue only? Just open your mouth so that the jaws can be as far as possible without much exerting. Let’s hold the position and raise the tip of your tongue to touch the roof of your mouth here.
Next, keep the tongue on that roof and drag the tip to the back. Once it’s spread all the way, hold it and pull it out of your mouth. Stretch it down to your chin for many seconds. Repeat the whole procedure about 5 times.
State all of the vowels, and ensure to take time to pronounce each of these vowels loudly and clearly. Never try to distort the face and become more articulate than ever!
Stuttering Treatment in Children
For children, the stuttering treatment is extremely important; not only help children soon overcome stammering, but also help them escape from a long-term trouble when growing up. There are a number of stuttering treatment strategies that will help your child have certain improved ability to speak and help them form a positive attitude and not afraid to communicate anymore.
Many experts recommend that parents need to be mindful when children show signs of stuttering lasting from 3 to 6 months, have expressed difficulty in communication or have relatives in the family also stammering or other communication disorders. Some other experts suggest that children should be diagnosed stammering every 3 months, just for the early detection of stammering, moderation to track stuttering more severe signs or remission.
Parents must play a key role in helping their children understand what is stuttering and how to overcome it and practice communication skills fluency. Specifically, parents should:
- To cope with stuttering, first we need to create a favorable psychological environment for the children. You should often praise your children, eliminate harsh comments. Parents should not quarrel with the kids. In cases you should not focus on problems with speech or you can make the problem worse.
- Create a relaxed atmosphere without pressure or judgment so that the child can talk openly and naturally. This should be set a suitable time period during the day, preferably at the time of the child feel excited and have a lot to share with parents the most.
- There should be no negative reaction when the children stutter. Instead, parents should acknowledge the child’s stuttering fairly as other difficulties in life that children will encounter on their paths. Help your children understand what is stuttering and how to stop stuttering softly, full of goodwill and praise all attempts of them.
- Do not apply pressure or ask stutters to speak like this like that, especially those who are sensitive and easily confused when facing with great pressures.
- Talk to your children slowly and calmly. Stammering children will feel more inferior and under more pressure if you say too fluently or too fast.
- Listen to the children carefully and be patient to wait for the finish of their speaking before you respond. Do not be hasty to finish their story. Help your children realize that, in life there are many people still successful and prudent although they suffer from stammering.
- Whenever she asks you about his stuttering, talk, and consultations for children sincerely. Encourage him that stuttering is actually like many difficult problems in life, that it is not something too horrible and absolutely can disappear if they tried.
- It is necessary to arrange work schedules. A child needs to sleep and adequate rest. Before going to bed you should help them eliminate chaotic emotions. You also need to help them avoid mental fatigue.
- Children often imitate what they see and hear, so you need to speak so slowly, quietly and gently. Parents should communicate, relax and focus on their children. Outdoor activities, excellent fitness reduces stress. You should always do this with your children. It is a really good advice on
- Also, there are some breathing exercises that develop the child’s mouthpiece, as well as teach them how to breathe properly while speaking. They combine well with the spa. This will help to reduce muscle tension in the mouthpiece, and generally calming the nervous system.
There are children who automatically get rid of stuttering in preschool period. But this does not mean that you do not need to seek counseling or treatment. We cannot know in advance your child will recover without stuttering treatment. If you or your children begin stuttering, follow the instructions above on how to stop stuttering to end this problem as soon as possible.
When can you get help for your kid?
Will your kid stutter? You need to ask for help from a pathologist as soon as possible. That’s because doing it soon can help you decrease the opportunities that the kid keeps stuttering. For how to stop stuttering, it’s recommended to contact the experts if any of the things below take place:
- Your kid’s stuttering has lasted for 12 months and more.
- A lot of children suffer disfluencies in their own speeches. But, if the kid seems to stutter for over 6 months, then let’s contact a speech-language pathologist.
- Your kid begins to stutter quite late.
- The stuttering easily lasts as the kid begins stuttering after three years.
- Hear the kid, and take note of how often he’s stuttering. Let’s see a speech-language pathologist when his condition is still the same or getting worse.
- You’ve got a family history that relates to stuttering.
- Is there anyone in your family stutter as well? Your kid is probably at a higher risk of stuttering.
When your child has the language disorder, let’s consider one of these following elements:
- Does the kid have issues following any direction or answering questions? Does he or she have any problem speaking out clearly? These could be the common signs that your child’s stuttering still last. Let an SLP support her by testing her speech and language skills!
- The kid has to struggle when talking.
- Your child has some troubles dealing with the speech issues. He or she could tense up and struggle to communicate or make a speech. Encounter an SLP if the kid avoids talking or tells you that it feels a bit hard to talk.
- Do you worry about the child’s speech? Does another family member say something about the kid’s speech?
How to test for stuttering
It’s not facile to tell whether your kid stutters or not. Stuttering is just beyond the disfluencies, so it’s essential to meet an SLP for testing. He or she will definitely look at these things as below:
- The number of disfluencies that are definitely the stuttering type.
- The kinds of disfluencies.
- Ask yourself how the kid can react when she stutters before learning how to stop stuttering. Does she feel depressed?
- How the kid tries hard to fix his or her speech? Does he or she start over again? Stop saying?
- How stuttering could affect the way your kid talks to or hangs out with others.
- In case that stuttering makes it hard for the kid to do well at school.
The speech-language pathologist would try to use such information to determine whether the kid stutters or not. He or she should be learning a lot of words and new sounds. It possibly causes her to repeat the entire sounds, which is pretty normal. Don’t worry since the SLP will tell you the big difference between such sorts of stuttering.
Let’s basically test out the kid’s speech and language before following my tips on how to stop stuttering above. It comprises your listening experience to the way your kid says the words and sounds. The pathologist will be in charge of testing how well your kid understands what others claim and how well he or she utilizes words to say about the thoughts.
You desperately want to know how to stop stuttering, right? It’s a common condition that should be improved in the long term. Let’s consider one of my recommended strategies above if you like to manage that stutter as soon as possible.
Be careful since a stutter will easily get in the way of your daily life. And for anyone who often experiences stuttering, it must be due to stress! Wait no more but find a good way in the list to decrease its frequency. Make sure to concentrate on the slow rate of your speech and try to pause among the sentences or words.