Amazing Tips on How to Get Rid of Blepharitis

Blepharitis refers to the inflammation in eyelids. Cleaning them is not enough to treat it. You need tips on how to get rid of blepharitis...

How to Get Rid of Blepharitis

What is Blepharitis?

Blepharitis is a term referring to the condition in which the eyelids are inflamed and as a consequence, you suffer from itchy feelings and swollen eyes.

What causes Blepharitis?

The main cause for blepharitis is the bacterial infection. Besides, when the oil glands in our eyes are damaged, blepharitis may occur.

What are the symptoms of Blepharitis?

The inflamed eyelids will cause you to suffer from a burning sensation in the eyes and sometimes, unbearable pain. Another symptom that is easy to see is the swelling and redness in the eyes. Your vision may be affected and it is more difficult to see everything clearly. Besides, your eyes may become dry and more sensitive when exposed to the light.

Any problem to the eyes should be carefully checked and solved because they are one of the most sensitive parts of our body. You should choose treatment that does not pose any threat in the long term. Therefore, natural home remedies are highly appreciated.

Here are top 15 most recommended and simple tips on how to get rid of blepharitis that you might consider applying immediately in order to reduce the discomfort for your eyelids as well as prevent further consequences.

1. Potato


The first suggestion on how to get rid of blepharitis is to use potato. The cooling quality of potato can help deal with the burning sensation in your eyes which prevent you from even opening them. Besides, potato can stop the growth of bacteria in the eyes and eradicate them before the problem becomes worse.

  • Prepare a clean potato and cut it into thin slices.
  • Apple one slide of potato over the inflamed eyes to get rid of annoying symptoms of blepharitis.
  • After about 15 minutes, remove the slices.

You should follow this method several times per day to get the best result.

2. Garlic


There is no doubt that garlic is very powerful in fighting against the bacteria and inflammation. Therefore, this natural home remedy for blepharitis is supportive in the efforts to cleanse your inflamed eyes.

  • Get some garlic cloves and you should cut off the skin first.
  • Make sure that the cloves are clean.
  • They should be grinded to get a juice.
  • You can take advantage of a gauge to rub the juice over the eyes affected by blepharitis.
  • After about 6 hours, use cold water to wash these areas.

The most ideal time to apply this method is before you go to bed and you can wash it in the next morning.

3. Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil

The fresh smell of coconut oil is a great advantage, but its richness of nutrients is even more wonderful, especially in the blepharitis treatment. It can help you stay away from the painful feeling and swollen eyes which may scare many other people. It is one of few natural home remedies for blepharitis that can be applied immediately on the eyes.

To avoid damaging your eyes, you should make use of a cotton ball to dip in the oil and place it on the eyelids. It should be kept there in about 20 minutes. Coconut oil can be used 3-4 times on daily basis to get rid of blepharitis.

4. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

With antiseptic, antibacterial and antiviral qualities, Aloe Vera is undeniable one of the best tips on how to get rid of blepharitis. The inflammation caused by blepharitis can be easily dealt with thanks to the soothing quality of aloe vera.

  • Get the fresh Aloe Vera gel and keep it in the fridge for several hours.
  • Rub it over the eyes affected by blepharitis several times per day.

5. Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil

If you cannot get access to aloe vera gel or coconut oil, you can use tea tree oil as a wonderful alternative way to get rid of blepharitis. If you want to maximize the benefits, which means to speed up the blepharitis treatment to the fullest extent, you can combine tea tree oil with another natural essential oil, such as olive oil or coconut oil.

  • Prepare tea tree oil or a combination of both oils.
  • A cotton ought to be dipped in the oil and put over the eyes affected by blepharitis.

6. Warm Water

Warm Water

Do you know that if you close your eyes and stand under warm shower, it is the best way to help the eyes relax and recover from tiredness? The same tip can be applied to get rid of blepharitis quickly and effectively. The bacteria accumulating on the eyelids will be washed away by water and its warmth enables you not to feel painful any more.

7. Tea Bag

A simple and completely inexpensive way to get rid of blepharitis is to use tea bags.

  • Prepare boiling water and leave 1-2 tea bags into the water.
  • Several minutes later, drag the tea bags out of the water.
  • When the tea bags are cool, place them over the eyes affected by blepharitis.

8. Castor Oil

Castor Oil

When the swelling and pain exceed your highest point of suffering, you can use castor oil to reduce their severity. It is the next recommendation on how to get rid of blepharitis and it works as amazingly as coconut oil or tea tree oil.

You can make use of either an eye-dropper or a cotton ball to rub several drops of castor oil on the eyelids or eyes affected by blepharitis. It is suggested that you apply before you hit the sack.

9. Salt


With powerful ability to stop inflammation, salt is believed to be one of the best tips for how to get rid of blepharitis. It can reduce the irritation and stop the growth of bacteria on the eyelids.

  • Mix some spoons of salt into warm water.
  • A cloth ought to be dipped in the mixture.
  • After squeezing the cloth to remove excess water, you can put it over the areas affected by blepharitis.

10. Honey


When honey is used frequently, it can help eliminate the dead cells and bacteria on the eyelids. They are mainly responsible for blepharitis and its development. Therefore, you can apply some drops of raw honey on the eyelids to get rid of blepharitis naturally but effectively.

11. Hot Compress

The hotness of water will help you deal with swollen eyes and itchiness that are common symptoms of blepharitis.

  • Dip a cloth into boiling water.
  • After that, you had better squeeze it to eliminate the excess water.
  • Put it over the eyes in several minutes.

You can repeat doing this several times per day to get the best result.

12. Cold Compress

If the hot compress does not work well for you or you want to speed up the blepharitis treatment, you can use cold compress as well. It is also a great tip on how to get rid of blepharitis.

  • Get cold water and a cloth.
  • The cloth should be soaked in cold water and then, squeezed to expel the water.
  • It should be placed over the eyes inflamed by blepharitis.

13. Fish

The frequent consumption of fish will supply you with an abundant amount of omega-3 fatty acids which are believed to be supportive in the blepharitis treatment. Some fish, such as salmon or tuna, can have positive effects on the vision as well.

In addition to fish, eating these superfoods are needed to possess health eyes.

14. Marigold

Marigold is well-known for the anti-inflammatory quality, which explains for its appearance in top 15 tips on how to get rid of blepharitis.

  • Marigold and water should be mixed together.
  • Then, you can take the mixture to wash the eyes on a daily basis.

15. Comfrey

Comfrey is very active in the efforts to eradicate the pain and itchiness caused by blepharitis. These are the most annoying blepharitis symptoms for sufferers. It should be used every day to get rid of blepharitis quickly. You can mix it with water and use the mixture to wash the eyes.

16. Turmeric

Turmeric is a healing power to get rid of Fordyce spots

One of the simplest home remedies for blepharitis is turmeric that you must be very familiar with. Because of its antibacterial qualities, turmeric has amazing influence on treating infections in your eyes. You had better use the mixture of powdered turmeric and raw honey to rub directly over the eye lids.

In addition to turmeric’s ability to eradicate bacteria causing infection, honey is important because it provides moisture for eyes. Undeniably, turmeric is among the best ingredients for treating blepharitis without side effects.

17. Coriander Seeds

The use of coriander seeds as a medicine has been popular for years. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory quality, these seeds can be a good answer for how to get rid of blepharitis. You will be free from burning sensations and itchiness caused by blepharitis almost instantly with the support of coriander seeds.

  • Prepare hot water (about two cups).
  • Boil it and pour coriander seeds inside (about 2 teaspoons).
  • The mixture should be boiled in 3 minutes or more.
  • Strain it and use it to rinse your eyes when it is cool.

You should follow the method twice every day until the situations get better.

18. Cat’s Claw

The anti-inflammatory quality can be found in cat’s claw as well. Thus, it is a wonderful blepharitis home remedy. Moreover, this herb is an excellent source of antioxidants which aim to promote your immunity. As a result, your body will become more effective in reducing the risk of bacterial infections. The suggestion is to consume 500 mg of its extract 2-3 times per day.

19. Chamomile


As mentioned above, tea bags are great home remedies for blepharitis. And I would like to specify a type of tea which is a wonderful tip on how to get rid of blepharitis. For ages, people have made use of chamomile to cope with puffiness or redness, whether they happen on the eye or skin. It is because of chamomile’s wonderful antibacterial qualities. For the best result in the treatment for blepharitis, you are suggested to use its cool tea and rinse your eyes with it regularly.

20. Calendula


With a beautiful appearance, calendula is an attractive flower, but you might not notice that it is one of many traditional herbs to cope with blepharitis and its annoying symptoms. The consumption of calendula tea is believed to help your body prevent bacterial infections from the inside. It also helps to reduce pain and swelling your eyes might experience. Another way to make use of this blepharitis home remedy is to use its cool tea to wash your eye lids several times during the day.

21. Mullein

Looking for a list of top natural home remedies for blepharitis, you might come across the name “mullein”. It is, in fact, a common herb used to eliminate bacterial inflammation in the eye lids. It is specially good for relieving painful feelings. Moreover, mullein has another wonderful advantage which is to promote cell synthesis. Therefore, you will not have to be worried about scars. You can find its extract, capsules or herbal tea. The recommendation is to combine it with another blepharitis home remedy in this list, such as comfrey.

22. Goldenseal

There is scientific evidence to prove that goldenseal is one of the best tips on how to get rid of blepharitis. You will be amazed when realizing that goldenseal contains two very powerful compounds in eradicating bacteria or virus. They are Berberine and Hydrastine. In addition, a great number of disinfectants are found in goldenseal as well. Therefore, your immune system can benefit from goldenseal. You can choose from a variety of goldenseal forms, such as tincture, capsules or tea.


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