Does Everyone Get Implantation Bleeding?

Does Everyone Get Implantation Bleeding

If you are on the way planning or actively trying to get one or more babies, you probably should look up for several guideline or instruction about pregnancy. And implantation bleeding must have appeared at least once in your mind. But do you know what actually implantation means while you have never experienced implantation bleeding before? Or does everyone get implantation bleeding? All these doubts will be revealed now.

Pregnancy causes changes in both physical and psychological aspects. Mood swing, fatigue, and decreased appetite are the early symptoms of pregnant which are usually detected by the people surrounding. However, there are some typical signs that only the woman can indicate and realize that she is pregnant.

Among that, vaginal discharge is a specific tool for you to detect any abnormal activities happening inside your uterus. Supposedly, if you make a wild guess that you are pregnant, but one day, you see a bright red or pink color in your underwear. Which occasion resemble you more? A warning sign of pregnancy or it is just a delayed menstruation willing to trick you.

Have you ever heard about implantation bleeding? If not, it’s fine, because we are about to provide you a full source of information about the implantation bleeding, including “Does everyone get implantation bleeding?” which is the most vacillated questions for all the new- comings.

But in case that you already know that the implantation bleeding is a sign of pregnancy, and you still wonder about the question “Does everyone get implantation bleeding?” or not, read all the content below. Why? Because we will show you how to assess a bleeding vaginal condition as a sign of the implantation, a menstruation, or a warning condition.

Moreover, we have to repeat one more time that the change of the vaginal and cervical discharge including the consistency and color describe the most precise condition of your reproductive system, including the perfect ovulation timing or the caution of the body. Or apparently you want to see the implantation bleeding- a sign of pregnancy earlier. What is implantation bleeding?

Firstly, implantation bleeding is known as the brownish or pink and even bright red color spots, in some cases, paying a visit to your underwear suddenly [1]. Sometimes, abdominal cramp appears for some reasons combining with the occurrence of implantation bleeding indicates that you are pregnant now.

But why does the vaginal bleeding usually come along with abdominal cramp? The explanation for this phenomenon is the uterus has to contract to expel the blood in a variable intensity. That’s why some people don’t feel any contraction inside her uterus as each individual has her own pain tolerance.

But back to our topic today “Does everyone get implantation bleeding?”, what exactly do you know about this condition? If you want to find out the answer for “Does everyone get implantation bleeding?”, you had better know why do you have implantation bleeding to make a brief evaluation of implantation bleeding.

Why do you have implantation bleeding? Is it an alert pregnancy sign?

Implantation occurs when sperms flow into the fallopian tube after breaking through cervical mucus to fertilize an ovum or sometimes two ova. It’s strange but also true that the fertilization happens in the fallopian tube, not in the uterus.

This combination creates a new name called embryo. Then the embryo moves gradually to the uterus because of the tube contraction. Contraction is sometimes expressed as an abdominal pain in the woman, also.

Moreover, abdominal cramp can be an early sign of much different health issue. Implantation cramps, cramps before period, crampon period are the possible common problems relating to abdominal cramp.

In order to develop into a fetus in the eighth week, the embryo must attach to the endometrium to receive the nutrition and blood for growing. All of these processes are described as growing a tree. Origin is necessary for the development.

And as a result, the embryo should destroy some issue from endometrium for the attachment if it wants to come to this life. Sometimes, this damage causes bleeding which will be expelled from vagina then. The uterus has to contract at a considerable rate to help the blood moving out from the uterus; therefore, implantation bleeding usually come along with implantation cramping. As mentioned before, pain is variable on your pain tolerance.

Because it is a common mechanism of fertilization and inhabitation of the embryo, implantation is not a threatening sign for both your obstetrical and gynecological health. However, if it is not an implantation bleeding, what should you do? How can you know that it is an implantation bleeding? How long does implantation bleeding last? And does everyone get implantation bleeding? Let’s read all the content below.

Does everyone get implantation bleeding?

The answer for “Does everyone get implantation bleeding?” needs more time to reveal. Why? Because the research about implantation bleeding usually requires a qualitative method which means the result mostly depends on the experience of the research’s subject. But it does not mean that there has been no study about “Does everyone get implantation bleeding?”. Let’s see!

Bleeding in the pregnancy duration is considered as an alarming symptom for all women. There are several studies carried out to demonstrate the prevalence, as well as the predictors of early bleeding. But on the other hand, there is also study proving that bleeding is also a sign of pregnancy.

In order to clear it out, a study has been made by a group of doctors and professors which concentrated on the women from Memphis, Tennessee, and the Triangle region. Women from age 18 to 45 (possible age for pregnancy) who were not pregnant yet but attempting to conceive are highly welcomed in this study.

According to this study, almost one-fourth of the participant report about vaginal bleeding days after intercourse. One-fifth of those also have positive pregnancy tests and experience pregnancy without any abortion- a usual cause of vaginal bleeding [2].

And of course, all you you must have known the answer for “Does everyone get implantation bleeding?” is no because there’s still more amount of people not experiencing implantation bleeding.

In fact, the women who experience implantation bleeding or not can make a mistake about distinguish implantation bleeding with normal menstruation. This leads to another mistake when you have to determine the due date of the baby.

So the question is “How can you know that you have implantation bleeding?” and “How can you distinguish implantation bleeding with other circumstances, such as menstruation?”. Especially what is the timing of implantation bleeding?

When does implantation bleeding happen?

About after 6 to 12 days of fertilization, the embryo travels down to the uterine cavity to start attachment point. At this time, implantation bleeding occurs as the embryo starts striking the interior lining of the uterus.

But the problem is ovulation also have a particular timing which occurs in the 14th day of menstruation. And of course, if you want to get pregnant, you should notice more about ovulation spot and decide the fertilization time.

Supposed that you have ovulation happening around 14th day of your menstruation and you also have sexual intercourse. The implantation occurs immediately and as a result, after 12 days you can have implantation bleeding. But this time is the same time of your next menstruation. This explains why you can misunderstand implantation bleeding with menstruation.

That problematic issue occurs when you decide to have sexual intercourse around the 14th day of your regular menstruation and you see the appearance of vaginal bleeding after 6 and 12 days which can be considered as your next cycle bleeding.

And if you have no idea about implantation bleeding, admit implantation bleeding as menstruation bleeding is conceivable. That’s why you should understand what are the signs of implantation bleeding after finding out the answer for “Does everyone get implantation bleeding?”.

How can you distinguish implantation bleeding with menstrual bleeding?

As usual, implantation appears as a vaginal bleeding and implantation cramping. But these symptoms can make a woman more prone to misjudge implantation bleeding with menstruation bleeding.

Moreover, the quantitative result of “Does everyone get implantation bleeding?” can also be affected so that the subject is unable to differentiate implantation bleeding from menstruation bleeding.

So what are the characteristics of implantation bleeding?

Everyone has their own blood flow as well as variable kind of menstrual blood. Or else some women have regular menstrual cycles while the left-over are unable to predict the cycle.

Therefore, the change in blood flow, time and kind of menstrual cycle are assessed based on their previous cycle. This means if you want to indicate the difference between implantation spot and menstrual blood, you should follow and monitor these standards of vaginal blood.

There are 4 criteria to assess the vaginal bleeding as an implantation bleeding or normal menstruation: blood flow, color, consistency of blood, abdominal cramp, and other early pregnancy symptoms.

Let’s discover more about these standards and decide whether you have implantation bleeding or not.

Blood flow

A normal menstruation will do a warm-up with the lighter blood flow then get heavier from the second day, usually. But when you have an implantation bleeding, blood will not be described as flowing. The explanation is there are just a few drops or even couple of drops of blood appearing in your underwear.

But if you are reading the article “Does everyone get implantation bleeding?” and decide to stop at this line which you think you have read enough information, you should continue to read. Because we will inform you about the pregnancy test.

After finding out that a few drops of blood do not appear in the next day, and you have thought about pregnancy which leads to an action: do a pregnancy test. However, it is a negative urine pregnancy test. Is the pregnancy test wrong or you’re not pregnant? Both of these options maybe not right.

Because a urine pregnancy test can show up the positive result about six days after having implantation bleeding while it takes about three to four days for the blood pregnancy test to reveal the result. So in case you suspect about implantation bleeding, be patient for the most precise pregnancy result.


Pink, brown spots are usually detected in implantation bleeding, not the bright red. As mentioned before, the blood coming out because of the damage from the lining of the uterus. But when the uterus contraction does not work out much, it takes the blood a while to get out through vaginal canal. That explains why there has been a brown spot in your panties.

Comparing to the menstruation, more amount of blood will be expelled from the uterus with the help of contraction. Therefore, the color of menstrual blood is bright red, not the pink or brown spot.


Both menstruation and implantation cause abdominal cramping. However, you will experience less pain in a shorter time comparing to the abdominal pain in the mense. This is also caused by less amount of blood in the uterine cavity.

Almost every occurrence in your uterus can cause cramping because of the uterine contraction. From ovulation, implantation to menstruation, you can all feel at least once in your life. We have mentioned how long does implantation cramping last and also cramp before period.

Other pregnancy signs

Pregnancy can cause variable change both on your physical and psychological health. Fatigue, mood swings or a headache are the common signs of pregnancy. However, these mental changes are unable to indicate that you already have implantation. You should combine them with physical changes, as well as a pregnancy test for a sure.

Sometimes, you can feel the tenderness in the breast, as well as the increased size of the breast. It’s bothersome, also.

How long does the implantation bleeding last?

As you know that the answer for “Does everyone get implantation bleeding?” is no which means you might haven’t experienced implantation bleeding before. So it is common if you don’t know how long does it take the implantation bleeding to last.

The lasting time of implantation is also a specific sign for you to separate the implantation bleeding. In common, you can see the appearance of implantation bleeding in less than two days with random few drops of blood. Accompanying with three characteristics of blood, you can tell you are having implantation bleeding or not.


Hopefully, after reading the article “Does everyone get implantation bleeding?”, you have known the answer for “Does everyone get implantation bleeding?” is no. Moreover, understanding the mechanism, as well as the particular features of implantation bleeding is helpful for determining the appearance of implantation bleeding.


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