Probiotics are famous worldwide due to their fabulous effects on the human health in general, and the digestive system in particular. Many people consume probiotics every day to support the function of the digestive tract, especially when they have diarrhea.
But do they really work when you are constipated? Or do probiotics make you poop easier? Maybe the answer to this question is still a mystery to many of us.
Whether it’s the matter of pooping easily or not, probiotics are still necessary to assist you in improving your digestive system. In particular, men often get into trouble with their tummy.
Please keep dragging down to see how probiotics might help you with this health issue!
Do probiotics make you poop?
Perhaps the efficient effects of probiotics have long been tested and approved in treating diarrhea which caused by antibiotics side effects or infections. But considering the opposite angle, do probiotics really work in constipation? Can they make you poop when your stool is extremely hard and dry?
In fact, constipation is far more common than diarrhea. It occurs in 14% of the American adult population and takes responsibility for over three million medical visits every year. It takes a noticeable budget – billions of dollars – for US government to deal with this popular health issue.
According to a research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, probiotics are potential elements to slow down the gut transit time (the required time for the food to be absorbed through the digestive system) while increasing the bowel movements. Besides, scientists found out that probiotics could make the stool softer, thus pass the bowel more easily than normal.
Among the available types of probiotics, Bifidobacterium seems to be the most efficient one. Skim the results of the recent research; we do have reasons to believe that probiotics can make you poop when you have constipation.
However, the evidence support this idea is not strong enough to convince the scientists, so probiotics haven’t been indicated as a treatment for constipation. Many experts are still confused to conclude, as the results are variable. What they are looking here is a large and standard clinical trial to prove the effectiveness of probiotics as well as the recommended dosage.
As far we have known about the wonderful effects of probiotics to our general digestive health, these are what probiotics could do to help you with constipation.
Improve the pooping frequency
Based on reliable scientific study, we can now conclude that probiotic users experience 1.3 times more frequent bowel movements per week than non-users, increasing their frequency of bowel movements.
Do more bowel movements imply that you are spending less time on the loo for extended periods of time? Indeed!Probiotics have the ability to greatly ease your constipation.
Regarding the impact of laxatives, researchers also noted that individuals taking this drug experienced an increase in bowel movements of 2.5 per week. Hence, probiotics have to be a viable substitute therapy to restore a normal frequency of bowel movements, right?
Balance the gut transit time
Whole gut transit time, or as known as the time requiring for the food to move from the stomach to the small and large intestine, is different between people.
If the food substances pass through the guts too quickly, our body is unable to absorb the proper amount of nutrients. By contrast, if the food stays inside the guts for too long, the water contain may be drainage thus makes the substance become hard to pass through – this is the initial cause of constipation.
So, which benefits do you receive if consuming probiotics? As for the result of a recently study, the Bifidobacterium lactis in yogurt has a remarkable ability to regulate the gut transit time, reduce constipation and abnormal bowel movements, thus make you poop easily.
Soften the stool
There is a wide range of evidence supports that the microflora in fermented products (ex. Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus plantarum) can soften the hard stools and reduce the severity of constipation.
When combining different types of probiotic bacteria, they are more efficient in decreasing stool hardening and alleviating the symptoms like bloating, burning and pain.
Come back to our initial question: “Do probiotics make you poop?”, Let’s learn more about the benefits of this element in your digestive tract and make your own conclusion! It may go far beyond your previously thought!
What are the ultimate sources of probiotics? Top 10 probiotics food
Well, when you are constipated for several days and finding ways to make you poop, then probiotics are worth trying!
Generally, fermented foods are considered the ultimate sources of probiotics, as they generate during the fermentation period. But among a wide range of foods in the market, how could you find the one that contains the proper amount of probiotics?
People who are lactose intolerant must be familiar with this fermented dairy product. The whole process of making Kefir includes the fermentation of the milk due to bacteria, and the yeast from kefir grains work to break down the lactose compound of the milk.
This unique food has been available for over 3000 years, and the term “kefir” in Russian and Turkish refers to “feeling good.”
If you are curious how Kefir taste like, then it has tart flavor with a touch of sour – somehow similar to yogurt. There must be around 10-30 strains of probiotics inside Kefir, which are helpful for your digestive tract.
Despite its hard-spelling-name, the major ingredient in Sauerkraut is nothing more than cabbage, sometimes combining with other vegetables. Since those vegetables are fermented, they contain a good source of organic acids (lactic acid, for instance), vitamin C and digestive enzymes.
Although Sauerkraut does not provide probiotics directly, it supports the ideal environment inside the digestive tract for the good bacteria to grow.
There is scientific evidence that the juices of Sauerkraut do wonders to the digestive issues by improving the number of probiotics, including leaky gut, diarrhea, and constipation – which means that it can make you poop easily. It is also believed that Sauerkraut is efficient in alleviating the cold symptoms.
This unique food belongs to of the traditional cuisine of Korea and makes its long way from this Asia country to the other parts of the world through hundreds of years.
Similar to Sauerkraut, Kimchi is made from fermented cabbage, carrot, and radishes, but it includes a wide range of seasonings (ex. chili powder, onion, garlic, ginger, and salt). Those ingredients create a unique flavor of Kimchi – sour and spicy – which may challenge the Western appetite for the first time.
After a fermenting process for about two weeks, Kimchi is ready to be served. It usually comes along with meat, seafood, and grill cuisines. As it creates the acid environment inside the gut, it stimulates probiotics to grow and supports the digestion.
Coconut kefir
Do you have any idea about this unique kefir? It is also a fermented product containing probiotics to make you poop easily!
Coconut kefir comes from kefir grains and coconut juice – coconut kefir – is an alternative option for traditional kefir. Although the amount of probiotics is less than kefir, this dairy-free food still contains some beneficial strains that serve your digestive health.
Believe it or not, coconut kefir has a great flavor and can be served with a variety of drinks, such as stevia or lemon juice.
To make it, you just need to combine one tablespoon of kefir grains with 1 cup of coconut milk, let it sit for 1-2 days before straining the grains. The texture of the product should be thick, or you may need to prolong the fermented process until it reaches the consistency.
It was named after Bacillus subtilis of Bacillus natto – a strain that turns fresh soybean into a famous fermented food. Natto is traditional Japanese cuisine, but it seemed that it is more popular in the eastern area.
Maybe the taste of natto does not fit with everyone since it contains a powerful smell and an intense flavor. Some people claim that the smell of natto is somehow similar to a pungent of cheese.
However, if you put aside the flavor, natto is worth trying due to its excellent health benefits! Not to mention the digestive enhancement, recent studies also approve the effects of natto on boosting the immune system and supporting the cardiovascular health.
It also contains a high source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals, such as vitamin K2, vitamin C, iron, and manganese. The dietary fibers in natto do wonders to your digestive system: combine with the probiotics, they make you poop easier when you are constipated.
Please do not say that you are not familiar with this famous dairy product. These ultimate sources of probiotics can do more than make you poop quicker. Not many people know that the ultimate source of probiotics is in live cultured yogurt or Greek yogurt.
The strains that available in yogurt include Lactobacillus bulgaricus, acidophilus, caisei, Streptococcus thermophiles, and Bifidus. They are also the live cultures in kefir, which improve the microflora in the digestive tract.
But among a variety of yogurt in the market, how to choose the one with the best quality? Keep it simple, as you only need to focus on three things when buying yogurt:
- The ingredient is goat milk, sheep milk, or cow milk
- The castles are grass-feeding
- The yogurt is 100% organic
This type of drink is most common in some Eastern European regions and the North Slavic countries.
They use fermented rye (black bread) combined with fruits (ex. strawberries or raisins), and herbs to enhance the flavor. Kvass is a good source of vitamin B and minerals, too. As acid lactic and simple sugars are the major ingredients, Kvass has a mild and pleasant taste while still providing calories for physical activities and supporting the digestive tract.
Another traditional Japanese cuisine, again, appears in the list of high probiotics food. It has been used in both China and Japan for over 2000 years as a digestive regulator.
The Japanese diets are famous worldwide due to their healthy impacts as well as the balanced and delicate flavors. The Japanese are used to begin their new day with a bowl of warm miso soup to lift up the energy and balance the digestive function.
Miso is made from fermented soybeans or rice, which takes days to years for the whole process. The final texture appears in white or red to a dark brown paste with salty flavor. What you need to do is mixing it with warm water to create a soup (like broth) and enjoy with seaweed or vegetables.
Consuming miso soup every day helps create an ideal probiotics environment inside your gut. It will support the digestive process; even make you poop easier.
If the name of Kombucha doesn’t sound familiar to you, then just imagine a fermented beverage of black or green tea, combined with sugar. They start the fermentation by using SCOBY – a colony of bacteria and yeast – which will be activated once contacting with sugar.
Kombucha contains a high source of vitamins group B, enzymes, probiotics and different types of acids. The antioxidant properties of Kombucha interact and defeat the free radicals inside the digestive tract, while live probiotics cultures increase the number of good bacteria and wipe out the candida yeast.
Besides coffee, Kombucha deserves to be on the list of your favorite drink every day to maintain the peak immune status and healthy digestion. With tons of health benefits, no wonder why this unique drink has been around for over 2000 years and has been preferred throughout the world.
Raw cheese
Besides yogurt, this dairy product is considered as a reasonable source of probiotics with the present of Thermophillus, Bifidus, Bulgaricus, and Acidophilus.
They make raw cheese from raw and unpasteurized goat or cow’s milk. That is why choosing this product in the supermarket; you always need to look for this information. It may be written as “organic product,” “probiotic,” or “made from raw milk” on its cover.
With some evidence, raw cheese is potential food for digestive problems, yeast infections, and even children eczema. Although they do cause gas or bloating with an excessive amount, raw cheese should be included in your daily meals for the sake of your health.
When should I take probiotics?
Now you have an overview of this wonderful element – probiotics – but it comes to another question: Can I use probiotics anytime I want?
Well, although consuming probiotics any time is better than nothing, but eat them at the right time may enhance the beneficial effects of this supplement.
Since there are hypotheses that the high acid environment in an empty stomach may deactivate the work of some certain strains, it is recommended that you should only consume probiotics at the end of the meal. But this advice is not always true.
In fact, a stomach that contains a certain amount of food makes sure that the probiotics are protected from stomach acid. But even in an empty one, probiotics still can do wonders for your health. So it is not obliged to consume probiotics after a meal.
Additionally, taking probiotics before bedtime is also indicated. Beside the ability of probiotics to make you poop that we mentioned above, if you want to balance the microflora inside the mouth and sinus cavities, not just inside the gut! If both the good and bad bacteria is available with a proper ratio, the gums, teeth, ears, and sinus will be free from common infections.
How to choose the best probiotics supplements?
Besides the tips of choosing yogurt and other fermented food above, probiotics supplements are alternative options for you. But how to pick the most proper one that fits with your condition?
It is essential to know that there are different types of strains and each one will provide different benefits to your health. Some of the common possible effects include:
- Boost the immune system
- Support the digestion
- Burn calories and fat
- Balance the hormonal level
If you want to solve a health issue, please pay attention to the indication on the label of the supplement product and pick the right one. The label should provide the information about the colony forming units (CFUs) to help you distinguish different types of probiotics.
Please take note these tips when purchasing probiotics supplements:
- The famous brand – Don’t pick the unknown brands. Some suggestions are the Garden of Life, MegaFood, and Axe Naturals.
- High CFUs – Choose the product with the high amount of probiotics( ex. 15-100 billion per capsule).
- The number of strains – Pick the one with a wide range of different strains (10-30 kinds).
- Survivability – Choose some strains that can survive in the environment of the digestive tract (ex Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus coagulans, and Lactobacillus rhamnosus).
- Research – Please spend some time reading about the product that you are going to buy to make sure it fits your need.
Besides, one vitally important thing to remember is: most strains of probiotics die under heat. That is why you should store them in a cool place following the direction of the manufacturer.
What are the probiotics killers?
When cooking and eating our daily meals, we are killing the probiotics by chance without awareness! Many people are consuming a high amount of medications, antibiotics, and diets with high-carbohydrates and non-organic food, but they do not know that it may harm your digestive system.
So how to prevent it and keep out digestive tract healthy?
Here is the list of probiotics killers that you should reduce and manage the consumption if you are using them to make you poop:
- Antibiotics and prescription medications
- Sugar and high carbohydrate foods
- Tap water
- GMO foods
- Stress
If you keep taking this unhealthy foods and drugs then using probiotics is useless. Your body will become a perfect environment for germs, yeast, fungi, and parasites to survive. To solve this, now begin your healthy diet by consuming probiotics foods or supplements and maintain a positive lifestyle.
Do probiotics make you poop? Now you have the proper answer to this question. Since probiotics do wonders for your health in general and the digestive system in particular, it should be added in your daily meals with an adequate amount.
With the tips of choosing probiotics supplements above, we hope that you will find a proper product for your own!
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