At least once in your life, strep throat and tonsillitis appear and disrupt you from your daily activities. That is why many people choose to remove their tonsils to prevent recurring infection. But can you get strep throat without tonsils? And what are the most powerful methods for strep throat treatment and prevention?
Please keep reading to learn everything about strep throat and its relationship with your tonsils.
What is strep throat?
Among sore throats in general, a bacterial infection that called strep throat only accounts for a small portion. It is one of the reasons that take responsibility for a sore and scratchy throat in people of all ages, mostly in children.
If the patient is diagnosed early, antibiotics and other anti-inflammation drugs can control the condition entirely. But if it is left untreated, strep throat can lead to some severe complications that might affect the function of your kidney, heart valves, and joints.
Can you get strep throat without tonsils? To answer this question accurately, let’s get a closer look at the risk factors of strep throat and the connection between this disease with your tonsils.
What causes strep throat?
Whenever the kids have sore and scratchy throats, their parents often blame for cold or virus infection. But they have missed one hidden danger that may harm your children’s health severely: a bacterial infection.
In this case, Streptococcus which belongs to the group A bacterium is the main reason. When there is a chance to attack your body, it hides in your upper airway (nose and throat) and causes the inflammation of the upper respiratory system. According to medical statistics, up to 15% of people carry Streptococcus inside their nose and mouth for months without showing any symptoms. But they can transfer the bacteria to others in many ways.
So, how does a person get strep throat? How is strep throat contagious?
In fact, this type of bacteria is contagious easily. If the infected patient coughs, sneezes, or eats the same plates with healthy people, Streptococcus can transfer through the airborne droplets. Moreover, you can also get the strep throat bacteria without intention as they are available on the surfaces or tools, then spread them to your mucosa membranes (in the eyes, nose, mouth even the tonsils) through daily activities.
Not only strep throat, but Streptococcus is associated with several infected diseases in many parts and organs of human body, such as:
- Impetigo and cellulitis (inflammation conditions of the skin)
- Rheumatic fever (which may affect the joint, myocardial, renal, and neurological systems)
- Toxic shock syndrome (when the bacteria releases their poisonous substances into human blood)
How many types of strep throat?
Based on the ability to dissolve the blood in the sheep blood agar, they classified Streptococci into three types:
- Alpha-hemolysis: the agar under the colony appears green and dark. Most of alpha Streptococci is harmless, except for Pneumococci that causes pneumonia and Viridans that causes endocarditis.
- Beta-hemolysis: or complete hemolysis as it called. The agar under and around the colonies becomes transparent and light in color. Most of Streptococci that belongs to this type takes responsibility for many human infections.
- Gamma-hemolysis: the agar under and around the colonies is unchanged. Most of gamma type Streptococci do not have toxicity.
Type of hemolysis in sheep blood agar is one of the most important criteria to classify Streptococci family. Combine with others characteristics, the full classification of Streptococcus is named from group A to group S, which cause different infections in human and animals. Most of the active species belong to beta-hemolysis group.
The treatment for different groups of strep throat remains the same. Here we just mention some common groups of Streptococcus that usually cause strep throat and other infections in human.
Streptococcus Group A (GAS)
This group is the main reason for strep throat. When collecting the saliva excretion of strep thorat patients and perform a laboratory test, most of the cases show a positive reaction with GAS.
Besides strep throat, the most favorite positions of this type of bacteria is the skin, anus and genital system. There are several diseases that caused by GAS, include cellulitis, infected ears, necrotizing fasciitis (severe infections of the connective tissues), pneumonia (inflammation of the respiratory tract), sinusitis, and tonsillitis.
Streptococcus Group B (GBS)
Staying at the second position of strep throat causes is Streptococcus Group B.
This bacterial flora is one of the major elements of the human intestine and genital system. Many people and pregnant women carry GBS in their body for a long time, but they do not develop any signs as well as their babies.
However, some studies showed that there is still a small risk that the infection can cause endangers for the newborn infants. In one year, over 300 babies in the UK acquire GBS within one week after being born (which is known as early-onset GBS infection). Although there is no obligated screening in pregnant women for GBS, they still perform other tests to find the bacteria present. If the mother is at high risk of getting GBS, she will receive antibiotics during labor to prevent infection for her child.
If the bacteria enter the baby, it could lead to some serious complications that may cause infant mortality, such as blood poisoning, lung infection, and meningitis. It could even be more dangerous if the mother has an early delivery, history of GBS baby, or high temperature during labor (preeclampsia).
Fortunately, you cannot transfer GBS to your child through breastfeeding.
Streptococcus group C and G (GCS and GGS)
Most people do not know about the appearance of Streptococcus which belongs to these two groups, as group A and B are too famous. So what is group C strep throat?
The classification of Streptococcus group C and G are common in the clinical microbiology laboratories. Scientists often isolate these types of bacteria which have a positive reaction with group C and G serum and create large colonies on the blood agar.
GCS and GGS have less association with strep throat compared to the other two groups above. Normally, they cause illness in both animals and human. They survive inside the human upper airways, skin, digestive system, and woman genital system without causing any symptoms. Sometimes, they are related to the infection of the human skin soft tissues, pharyngitis, rheumatologic fever and meningitis.
What are the risk factors for strep throat?
Some factors increase the chances of getting strep throat, including:
Children from 5-15 years old are the major host of Streptococcus. They have double the risk to get strep throat compared to adults. This fact explains why parents of kids around this age are more likely to have strep throat than those who have less contact with their child (as the bacteria can transfer easily).
However, strep throat rarely happens in children who are less than three years old because of their natural immune factors from breastfeeding.
It is true that your kid will have minor strep throat without tonsils? Let’s find out below.
Researchers have found out that: out of 100 children with sore throat symptoms, 20-30 kids have Streptococcus. Meanwhile, only 5-15 strep throat adults out of 100 cases that have a sore throat.
Despite the fact that you can catch strep throat anytime throughout the year, it is more likely that it develops in the fall and early spring. The strep throat spreading is when the weather changes from hot to cold rapidly, the immune system may be affected while it is the perfect time for bacteria to proliferate.
Close contact with infected person
When your neighbor has strep throat, he/she can spread it to others in the near area. Similarly, any crowded conditions (festival, music concert, or crowded working environment) can increase the chance of Streptococcus infection.
What are tonsils and their role in the human immune system?
Where are your tonsils? Tonsils – or palatine tonsils as it called – consists of two small masses of lymphoid tissue located next to the root of the tongue. Each tonsil is covered with pink mucosa and pits (or crypts), which run along the mucosa.
Some people may think they were born without tonsils, but sometimes the tonsils are very tiny and hide next to the soft palate, so it is hard to see them.
Why do we have tonsils? Most people think that the tonsils are useless, but actually, they belong to the immune system in general and lymphatic system in particular. They contribute to the human ability to fight infection.
Do you need your tonsils? Yes. As their location is at the throat, any germs and harmful agents which enter the mouth and nose will have to encounter these two guards first. From then, they activate the function of the immune system to defense these harmful factors and protect our body.
Not many people know that there are several complications in these small tissues, such as tonsillitis, abscess, tonsil stones, and enlarged tonsils.
Among the problems that can happen with your tonsils, tonsillitis is the most common condition. Virus and bacterial infection are the two main factors that take responsibility for the inflammation of your tonsils. Despite being less popular than virus infection, Streptococcus accounts for 30% of tonsillitis in school-aged children and less so in adults.
Can you get strep throat without tonsils?
Why do people get their tonsils removed?
As the Streptococcus attacks the tonsils times to times, your doctor may indicate a tonsillectomy – which means a surgical procedure to remove the tonsils. It is believed that when these lymphatic tissues are no more available, you are less likely to suffer tonsillitis.
Sometimes, tonsillectomy is useful for the treatment of some other health problems. Here are the signs you need your tonsils out: loud snoring, sleep apnea, tonsil cancer, or enlarged tonsils which may affect the breathing process.
If you have many complicated conditions combined in your tonsils, surgery will do more good than harm. That is why many patients choose to perform a tonsillectomy to remove these two small masses and prevent diseases.
So the question here is: Is it possible to get strep throat without tonsils?
Can you get strep throat without tonsils?
Here comes the most common belief ever: You will no longer suffer strep throat with removed tonsils.
So, what is the hidden fact behind this thought?
Actually, you can still get strep throat after removing your tonsils. Although after performing a tonsillectomy, your child will have less chance to develop sore throat, it does not mean that the surgery can eliminate the disease entirely. In this case, the infection will happen in other positions around the pharynx and mouth.
Having a mouth without tonsils does not mean that the immune system will decrease and you have more risk of being infected. In fact, your general health remains somehow the same as you used to be because the other lymphoid organs work normally.
Why can you still get strep throat without tonsils?
Tonsils are the first guards that protect the upper respiratory tract from being infected by Streptooccus in particular, and other types of germs in general. That is why they usually inflammed when the harmful aggents attack our body and make us feel uncomfortable.
Reducing the tonsils only makes everything easier to get through, but it does not mean that you are completely free from strep throat. If there is a chance, it still attacks your raspiratory tract and shows symptoms in different part of the mouth and pharynx.
Should I remove my tonsils?
If your kid suffers more than six severe strep throat infections within one year, it is time to consider about removing the tonsils. Tonsillectomies only reduce the rate of getting strep throat to one third, and less frequency compared to those who haven’t undergo surgery.
What does strep feel like when it becomes severe? With these signs and symptoms below, a strep throat is considered a severe infected condition:
- Little white sacs that contain pus at the surface of tonsil mucosa
- The result of strep throat test is positive
- Visible, swollen lymph nodes around the jaw and neck
- High fever (more than 101°F)
Although do not affect the human immune system to fight infection, tonsillectomy is not safe every time. It is still an invasive procedure which contains many risks for our health. Among those, bleeding and anesthesia are the most two common complications that require long-term recovery.
To minimize the unwanted complications, you need to consult your physician carefully so he/she could weigh the benefits and the drawbacks of tonsillectomy and give you the most efficient advice.
What does strep throat look like?
A closer look at the throat that has been infected by Streptococcus reveals some particular signs. When you tell a patient with strep throat to open his/her mouth widely and use a special light to check the mouth cavity, most of the cases will show up with these symptoms, from outside in:
- The lips and skin around still keep their pink color and smooth texture
- The gums and tongue appear normal; sometimes the tongue surface turns white
- The palatine uvula (a small mass that hangs at the back of your throat) appears in red and swollen shape
- Tonsils become large, red, and sometimes pass the border of the soft palate. White or yellow small sacs that contain pus cover the surface of the tonsil mucosa.
- The back of the throat (soft palate) becomes inflamed and red with small bumps on it.
What are the symptoms of strep throat without tonsils? If you have your tonsils removed, the symptoms of mouth cavity above are still there without the inflamed tonsils. Just type on Google Search with the keyword “pictures of strep throat without tonsils,” you will see the images of it.
How to distinguish colds, strep throat, and tonsillitis?
Just imagine one morning, you wake up with a sore throat, fever, tender and swollen lymph nodes, then what will you do? Are you going to treat it at home with household remedies or come to see a doctor?
People often misunderstand the colds, strep throat, and tonsillitis as they all have the similar symptoms. Each disease requires different treatment as well as long-term following, so you need to notice the signs carefully to decide whether you should deal with it yourself or ask for help from an expert.
Here is some information so you will know it is a cold, tonsillitis or strep throat.
Diagnose a cold
The first noticeable sign of a cold often comes from the upper respiratory, in which a sore throat appears earliest. Viruses usually take responsibility for most cases and cause some particular symptoms, including running nose, cough, red eyes, and sneeze.
You may notice the appearance of some additional signs:
- Light fever
- A mild and moderate headache
- Dizziness
- Aches all over your body
Beside viral causes, there are several reasons and risk factors for the colds, such as smoking, polluted air, allergy, and dry weather.
If the cold diagnosis is made, there is nothing to be worried because it will disappear anyway, in case the immune system is weighed and defeats the harmful agents. Some home remedies can help you reduce the uncomfortable symptoms, such as some slices of lemon in a cup of honey. Let’s discuss more detail about this natural treatment in some parts below.
Sometimes, you may need the help of over the counter medications if the symptoms do not go away. They include pain relievers, sore throat syrup, and spray. Antibiotics are not essential in this condition, as they are only useful for colds that associated with the bacterial cause.
Symptoms and diagnose of strep throat – How do you know you have strep throat?
When you have contact with the patient’s saliva or nasal secretions and get a strep throat, it is for sure that you will develop infected symptoms. Besides a sore throat, there are a few more symptoms that range from moderate to severe level compare to colds, including:
- Loss the voice (or you can find it hard to speak)
- You may get small red spots at the back of the throat
- High fever (in mild infection, strep throat without fever may happen)
- Red and swollen tonsils, sometimes with white pus on their surface
- Loss appetite
- Painful swallowing
- Hard and swollen lymph nodes around the neck
We have answered the question: “Can you get strep throat if you don’t have tonsils?” above, so you know what are the symptoms of your strep throat without tonsils.
If there is no proper treatment to control the disease within ten days, it may result in more severe complications, such as rheumatic fever that may attack the heart valves and threaten your life.
Can you have strep throat without a sore throat? Well, it depends on each case, but normally a sore throat is the first sign.
When come to see a doctor, he/she will perform a rapid strep test to make sure the Streptococcus bacteria are available. He uses a cotton swab and wipes it at the back of the throat to take some saliva excretion before testing. If the test result is positive, you are diagnosed with strep throat.
In case the signs and symptoms are more severe than usual, your doctor may indicate another swab test to see if the bacteria can culture from the plate, which requires several days to get the result. The last conclusion supports the doctor to give the most accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.
Please keep reading to know which medications can help you get rid of strep throat.
Tonsillitis: symptoms and diagnosis
Let’s move to the last diseases of the triple conditions that are usually misunderstood: tonsillitis. They have many things in common, but tonsillitis still has its own signs.
So what is the difference between strep throat and tonsillitis?
While strep throat always refers to the bacterial cause, tonsillitis can happen after a viral or bacterial infection. Among those, viral tonsillitis accounts for 70-85% of all cases.
Along with a sore throat, these symptoms suggest tonsillitis:
- Tender and swollen tonsils
- White or yellow discharge comes from tonsils
- Difficulty when swallowing
- Throat and earache
- Light or high fever
The diagnosis of tonsillitis based on the clinical symptoms and examination. After asking the patient’s history and checking the throat condition as well as lymph nodes and body signs, your doctor will know if you get tonsillitis.
Generally, light tonsillitis does not require prescribed medications but home remedies and over the counter drugs. However, you may receive medical intervention in these cases:
- The symptoms last for more than four days without any signs of improvement
- Considerable high fever (more than 39°C)
- Hard to breathe or eat
- Repeatable tonsillitis (more than six periods per year)
The brief information to distinguish colds, strep throat and tonsillitis is shown is this table:
Categories | Colds | Strep Throat | Tonsillitis |
Causes |
Bacteria |
Mouth symptoms |
Body symptoms |
Complications | Usually gets better or goes away after 2-3 days |
If caused by Streptococcus:
Treatment |
So, now you are clear about the difference between a cold, strep throat and tonsillitis, aren’t you?
Let’s get a closer look at the treatment and prevention of strep throat!
Strep throat treatment
Once the strep throat diagnosis is made, you will definitely receive these medications below:
Among variety classes of antibiotics, beta-lactam group is standing at the first choice as they have a noticeable response to Streptococcus group A with a reasonable price.
The effectiveness of antibiotics includes:
- Reduce strep throat pain
- Accumulate recovery process
- Limit the risk of transferring the bacteria to others
- Prevent complications of strep throat in other organs
The recommended dosage for children is 40-90 mg/kg per day, divided into 2-3 times. The whole antibiotic treatment period usually last for 7-10 days depends on the severity of strep throat. So even your kids feel better after 1-2 days of treatment, keep taking medications until they finish it or the bacteria will become resistant.
As opposed to its benefits, beta-lactam antibiotics often cause some considerable adverse effects, especially with injection route (such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea). Some people can react severely with the drug, which appears in rash, itchy, wheezing, and tachycardia. In case you are allergic to this type of antibiotic, stop using and consult your doctor. You may need to move to macrolide group but still acquire the similar result.
Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)
Along with the antibiotics that target the primary cause, there are some over the counter drugs to ease the symptoms. That is pain relievers and anti-that we want to mention about.
Not only useful for alleviating the fever, two types of NSAIDs like Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen also show their benefits in easing the sore throat and strep throat pain significantly.
The recommended dosage based on the symptoms and the child weighs, but you should take one pill every 4-6 hours (which means no more than six capsules per day). As the most common side effect is stomachache, even stomach bleeding, you need to follow the instruction strictly:
- Read the direction thoroughly before taking
- Do not take the drug when you are hungry
- After consuming the drug, stand or sit for at least 10 minutes
- Take the lowest dosage if possible
- If you have history of stomach upset or cardiovascular diseases, ask your doctor for a prescription.
- Never combine two different NSAIDs at one time, or the side effects might get worse.
- Use aspirin with caution for children older than three age and teenagers.
Top home remedies for strep throat
Do you need antibiotics for strep throat? In most of the cases, those medications above are required to get you out of the infected condition. But no one wants to suffer the uncomfortable adverse effects, as you can use many natural remedies around your house to kick the strep throat right away. Don’t you believe it?
Let’s find out which remedy is most beneficial for your condition!
Dietary supplements
Elderberry – a fabulous herb that can help you get rid of strep throat
This unique plant has been a valuable source of food and traditional herbal medicine for hundreds of years worldwide, mostly in Europe and Australia.
With or without tonsils, Elderberry is still helpful for strep throat condition. For decades, it is highly believed to consist of antibacterial and antiviral activities. Some recent studies showed that elderberry liquid extract could reduce the symptoms and duration of virus infection. Based on the fact that many air-travelers suffer from colds and other respiratory symptoms during their flight, scientist performed research to evaluate the effectiveness of elderberry. It is not so surprising that this herb is a potential treatment for cold, as all symptoms of the customers alleviated.
Nowadays, there is more and more evidence of the beneficial effect of elderberry, so they have produced many forms of dietary supplements with this ingredient. If your kids have symptoms of strep throat, you can try using elderberry in the form of tea, capsules, powder, and liquid extraction.
Echinacea – a flower that can help you get out of strep throat pain
You must be familiar with this coneflower that grows in the North America, aren’t you? 400 years ago, the Great Plains Indian tribes discovered this plant and used it as a natural herbal remedy to treat many diseases that related to colds without causing any adverse effect, as well as some tonsils infections.
With the light of modern science, the application and effectiveness of Echinacea are far beyond the common cold. Many studies have suggested that this plant works as a natural immune-enhancing element to prevent the bacterial and viral infection, as well as stop them from spreading.
In patients with a sudden sore throat or strep throat, Echinacea shows its benefits in reducing the sore, headache and the swollen tonsils. You can choose between taking a capsule or drinking Echinacea herbal tea as soon as the first sign appears.
Vitamin C – amazing element to boost your general health
If you want to find the supplement that can help you get out of any types of strep throat infection without effort, as well as tonsils problems, then vitamin C is exact what you are looking for.
It has been widely known for its ability to boost the immune system thus protect your body from getting a wide range of diseases. Despite its value, the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C is insufficient with the human needs, which do not guarantee the general health.
That is why you need to consume vitamin C through daily foods, fruits, and dietary supplement to reach the effective dose. Actually, you just need about 1000 milligrams of this supplement per day to support the immune system, and fourth of that amount to wipe out the infection that has already available in your body, for instance, strep throat.
The list of foods that contain a rich source of vitamin C is endless. Most of the sour fruits can supply exactly what you are looking for, such as oranges, strawberries, kiwi, and grapefruit.
If the enlarged tonsils or inflamed throat prevent you from swallowing, you can try mixing and blend the fruits into a smoothie for a better taste. It will help you get rid of a sore strep throat without causing any uncomfortable feeling.
Vitamin D – ultimate remedy for tonsils issues
Probably when heard about vitamin D, many people just think about the relationship between this element and bone issues. But the role of vitamin D is far beyond our thoughts, as scientists have linked the lack of vitamin D to many infected conditions of the respiratory system.
Due to the antimicrobial property, vitamin D supports the work of the human immune system to defense harmful agents. According to an international journal publication in 2012, a lower level of vitamin D is associated with the recurrence of tonsillitis and pharyngitis that caused by Streptococcus group A bacteria.
Vitamin D is available in a wide range of foods, including fatty fish, dairy product (cheese, milk, yogurt), soy, and eggs. For a better synthesis of vitamin D of your skin, you should spend at least 15 minutes for early sunbath each day.
Food and drinks to treat strep throat and tonsils inflammation
Honey is one of the most popular home remedies for a sore throat. Not to mention the antibacterial and antioxidant effects, the thick texture of raw honey creates a strong protective barrier to prevent germs and virus.
Through the lens of Traditional Medicine, all of the symptoms of the respiratory tract refer to the disorder of the lung function – the organ that “likes” the smooth and moisture. That is why the smooth and thick consistency of honey can cure almost illness of the lung.
Among variable products on the market, Manuka honey appears to be the strongest one. No matter how long does it take to get strep throat, choose the product with Unique Manuka Factor (UMF) above 10 and take one tablespoon per day, you will see how miracle this item brings up!
Herbal tea
To support the treatment of strep throat, you can drink teas that collected from some particular herbs, such as chamomile or dandelion. They are all loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammation agents to defeat the Streptococcus infection.
1-2 cups of herbal tea per day will ease a sore throat, reduce swelling and red tonsils, as well as boost the immune system against bacteria.
Bone broth
When you are ill with a sore throat and pain all over your body, you absolutely don’t want to eat or drink anything except for soft and soothing ones. So, why don’t you take some bone broth with tons of minerals and active ingredients but is still easy to drink?
The essential minerals inside bone broth consist of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, chondroitin sulfate, and glucosamine. It is useful for keeping your body hydrated and boosting the immune system, which stimulates the recovery process more quickly than normal.
Nowadays, you don’t need to spend hours to make bone broth, as they are available as protein powder. You just add some warm water and enjoy this tasty remedy every day.
Essential oils – aroma therapy that can help you get rid of strep throat without effort
Whether you have tonsils inflammations or not, this therapy is a perfect option for those who are looking for a harmless method that is good for both general and mental health!
Peppermint oil
Mentioning about essential oils to cure strep throat, it could be a big mistake if we forget the peppermint extraction.
With menthol element, this essential oil brings back a cooling sensation to ease the itching and sore throat, thus reduce the inflammatory reaction. That is why people have used and added this ingredient in many products to deal with respiratory infections.
To treat strep throat with peppermint essential oil, please add 1-2 drops on the diffused lamp with a little bit of water and inhale. You can also mix it with Lavender and Rosemary which comes from the same family to boost the aroma effectiveness.
Lemon oil
Widely known as a natural detoxification, lemon essential oil has many antibacterial properties that can even alleviate the growth of antibiotic-resistant bacteria genus.
If this remedy is used in strep throat, lemon oil can reduce the inflammation and support the general health by uplifting your spirit. Besides aromatherapy, you can add 1-2 drops of lemon essential oils in your tea to boost the flavor.
How to prevent strep throat?
Here comes the most important step in every disease, especially in strep throat: prevention.
As the bacteria are highly contagious that it can pass from infected person to others through close contact easily, you need to learn some methods to keep you and your family healthy. By practicing a good hygiene routine and improving general knowledge about communicable diseases, you can totally avoid this infection.
Below are some noticeable keynotes to prevent strep throat:
Avoid close contact
It is the most important thing to remember: stay away from the infected source.
If you notice your neighbor or family member with symptoms of strep throat, please warn them to wear face masks and so do you. Whether Streptococcus is available or not, it makes sure you will not catch the bacteria by accident.
Besides, do not share your personal items with the person that are suspected, such as toothbrush, cups, plates, forks, spoon, and even your foods and drinks.
Wash your hands
Even if there is nobody sick around your house, it is essential to wash your hands regularly with a powerful soap. For instance, you can use Castile one or even create your own soap in less than 5 minutes!
In this case, the two essential oils that we mentioned above is very effective. Here is the simplest recipe of castile soap with your favorite odor:
- A dispenser bottle
- 4-5 drops of essential oil (peppermint or lemon)
- Castile soap
- Water
To begin, mix the soap and water with 1:3 ratio (one part of soap with three parts of water) then stir well. Then add a few drops of essential oils into the mixture. After that, pour it into the dispenser bottle – and ready to wash your hands!
Clean or replace household items periodically
Once you are diagnosed with strep throat, it is time to replace some personal items, such as toothbrush and handkerchief, or you are at high risk of reinfection. The perfect time to replace is 2-3 days after you have treated with antibiotics because there is less chance to be re-infected.
Besides, remember to clean your household facilities and keep the environment around your house as fresh as possible so the bacteria will have no shelter.
Can strep throat cause your tongue to turn white?
In cases of severe infected conditions in general, and strep throat in particular, you may suffer some symptoms that show the infected level of the whole body. Among those, white tongue is a possible condition. It caused by a layer of bacteria and debris on the top of the tongue due to dehydration or sickness (when you don’t want to eat or talk).
A white tongue does not appear in all strep throat cases and can be misunderstood with some other health conditions. Besides, if the Streptococcus causes scarlet fever, the tongue may turn white with red dots instead.
What is Streptococcus group D?
Until 1984, Streptococcus group D was classified as a member of the Streptococcal family. But now they have been moved to Enterococcus species, in which E.faecalis is the most commonly isolated bacteria.
The colony may belong to the alpha or gamma-hemolysis. It causes many severe infections in human and has a high rate of antibiotics resistance.
Can strep throat spread to your tongue?
Usually not. In strep throat, the symptoms often appear around the throat area, which may affect the uvula, soft palate, and tonsils. If you notice any abnormal signs on the tongue, they may be related to other dental issues. It is essential to ask an expert to perform an examination and eliminate other diseases.
Can you get strep throat from being stressed?
Stress is the mental problem that affects our health in ways that you cannot imagine. It is not the direct reason for the illness but supports the severity and lengthens the recovery period.
However, strep throat is a contagious sickness that caused by bacterial infection, not by any mental issues. If the stress affects your daily routine and decreases the immune system, you may have a higher risk to get infectious diseases than normal.
Can strep throat give you sores in your mouth?
Not really. It is the sore inside your mouth (which means the throat, tonsils, and palate) that you will suffer when having a strep throat. There are some health problems that mimic the symptoms of strep throat and cause signs around the mouth, such as candida, herpes, and mono.
If you have sore in your mouth, please make sure to ask your doctor if it is another dermatologist problem.
Can strep throat come back after treatment?
Many people – who suffer strep throat before – have the same question: “Can you get strep throat more than once?”
Unfortunately, the answer is yes. With or without tonsils, in case you contact with infected person, you still have the same risk to catch a strep throat compare to a healthy person.
Another reason for recurring strep throat in adults is inadequate antibiotics treatment. If you stop antibiotics too early, the situation may be even worse as the survived bacteria can create antibiotics resistant ability.
Can strep throat go away on its own?
It is a tricky question, as you need to consult a doctor for most bacterial infections. Actually, if you delay the medication treatment of your child, the strep throat may be more severe and cause many complications as mentioned above.
So, do not decide on your own. It just takes some hours to see an expert and ask for advice, don’t wait for strep throat or an infection to go away on its own.
Here is everything you need to know about strep throat symptoms and treatment. So, can you get strep throat without tonsils? We hope that you have found the exact answer after reading this article. It is too hard to check the symptoms of strep throat, as well as perform some remedies for strep throat treatment, isn’t it?
If you have any question, don’t hesitate to write a comment below. We are always here to support you!